Sammy Eppel is a consultant, political analyst, journalist, and member of the Interamerican Press Association (SIP). A columnist for Venezuelan major newspaper (EL UNIVERSAL), he has published over 600 articles, many of which have been reprinted in other newspapers and websites. Mr. Eppel is also a guest commentator on radio and television in Venezuela and abroad, and the founder and current president of FUNDACION MADRE MARIA LUISA CASA, a catholic foundation that cares for underprivileged children in Caracas’ worst slums by running a school, a medical facility and a food preparation center. He is also a member of the governing body of the Venezuelan Jewish community (CAIV) and the Acting Director of The Commission of Human Rights of B’nai Brith Venezuela. A lecturer and presenter of the HASBARA Spanish program, he is also active in interfaith relations and enlightening programs. Since 2004, Mr. Eppel has concentrated on the Venezuelan phenomenon of government-sponsored antisemitism and how it relates to judeophobia.