Gustavo Perednik is a Jewish author and educator residing in Israel. He was a guest lecturer at more than one hundred towns in fifty countries, and published fifteen books and more than one thousand articles on Judaism and modernity. He was considered by the press as “the most quoted defender of Israel” in Spanish and “the most brilliant speaker” in Spanish. Perednik graduated from the Universities of Buenos Aires and Jerusalem (cum laude) and he completed doctoral studies in Philosophy in New York, complemented with courses in the Humanities in the Sorbonne of Paris, Uppsala in Sweden and San Marcos, Peru, and D’var Yerushalayim Yeshiva. In Israel, he directed the Hebrew University Four-Year Program and the Institute for Youth Leaders. He was distinguished as an outstanding lecturer at the Hebrew University, where he taught in several languages. His book Judeophobia, examines the roots of hatred towards Jews, its development through the ages, and various theories explaining the phenomenon. Its second edition was published in 2001 in Spain, its Portuguese version in 2002 in Brazil, and the Hebrew version in 2005 in Israel. An English summary is available on the Internet. In 2009, his book To Kill Without a Trace was published, about the Iranian terror attacks in Argentina. The book was presented in many towns in Israel and Latin America. Perednik resides in Jerusalem with his wife Ruth, educational psychology from London; five children.