Naya Lekht is a scholar on contemporary antisemitism and works with the Jewish community to foster pride in the history of the Jewish people. Naya received her PhD in Russian Literature from UCLA where she wrote her dissertation on Holocaust literature in the Soviet Union. In 2018, Naya was a Scholar-in-Residence at Oxford University through the Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism (ISGAP). A passionate educator and curriculum developer, in 2019 Naya joined as Director of Education at Club Z, a Zionist youth movement. Under her leadership, Club she developed a curriculum on Jewish peoplehood, Zionism, and Advocacy that is currently being used across the nation. In 2022, Naya was a presenter at the National Teachers Seminar at the Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation (VOC), where she taught Soviet Literature and Film. Naya is likewise a published author and most recently, joined as Educator Editor for White Rose Magazine, a non-partisan digital publication dedicated to exposing extremism and reteaching classical liberalism. Naya is currently teaching Zionism, the history of antisemitism, and working on her book, tentatively titled Zionism in the Diaspora: Reclaiming Israel Education.