Tag: Contemporary Antisemitism

Israeli Apartheid Week in Britain: Why Students’ Unions Are Acting Unlawfully


Israeli Apartheid Week sits within a global social movement, the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions or BDS movement, which aims to exclude Israel from the economic, cultural and educational life of the rest of the world. It has been a feature of city and campus life since 2004 when it burst onto the scene with the […]

Memory, The Jewish Intellectual, and Cartesian Cogito in Amery’s “At the Mind’s Limits”


Jean Amery, in the first chapter of At the Mind’s Limits, tries to demonstrate that Auschwitz rids the intellect of his western ideals and reduces the intellect to a playful logical framework. And as a playful logical framework, Amery’s account of the intellect resembles the Cartesian Cogito. In order to argue this thesis, I will […]

Iranian Elections: The Radicals Strike Back


Tomorrow the Iranian people will simultaneously elect a new Parliament (Majlis) and Council of Experts—assigned to monitor the functioning of the Supreme Leader and to choose a new Supreme Leader when the position becomes vacant. The timing, following the nuclear deal, amidst domestic rifts and growing domestic and external challenges make the elections of unique […]

Bassem Eid “The Internal Palestinian Conflicts”


Feb.22 “The Internal Palestinian Conflicts” Mr. Bassem Eid Founder, Palestinian Human Rights Monitoring Group (PHRMG) Location: Harvard Law School, Wasserstein Hall, WCC B010 Time: 7:00 P.M. Convener: Vivaldi Jean-Marie

Assessing the New Wave of Judeophobia in France


Today, few commentators deny the new wave of hatred against Jews in France. Indeed, many increasingly acknowledge that this is a global phenomenon. Assessing antisemitism in France is not only important for an evaluation of the threat for Jewish communities, but for French society in general. Moreover, the French case, in which this new wave […]

Europe, the Vatican and the Normalization of Antisemitism


On Sunday January 17th, 2016 Pope Francis made his first visit as Pontiff to the Great Synagogue in Rome. This was a significant event, the third such visit by a Pontiff to the Great Synagogue. Importantly, it followed on the heels of the October commemoration of the 50th anniversary of Nostra Aetate, where the Pontiff […]

Dr. Glen Feder, Director of ISGAP France, i24 News Interview


Dr. Glen Feder, Director of ISGAP France and Senior Research Fellow, sat down with i24 News to discuss the connection between increasing emigration to Israel and antisemitism. Interview in French.  Click here to watch. 

Antisemitism in Response to the 2015 Refugee Wave – Case of the Czech Republic


Despite its strategic location in Central Europe, the Czech Republic remains nearly untouched by the Refugee Wave. In Autumn 2015, when the wave started to culminate in Germany, the Czech Republic had more asylum seekers from Cuba than from Syria. Despite this fact, the Czechs read the news on the Refugee Crisis and the Paris […]



On April 10, the Iranian hardliner website Mashregh News affiliated with Iran’s Revolutionary Guards published an article entitled “Who Are Human History’s Most Bloodthirsty People?” The article was later republished by other websites, including Alef, which is associated with Ahmad Tavakoli, a conservative member of Iranian Parliament (Majlis), former head of its research center, and […]

Antisemitism in the Contemporary World: Academic, Social, and Political Perspectives


November 12, 2015 6:00 P.M. National University of Kyiv Mohyla Academy Participants: Dr. Charles Small, Executive Director, Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy (ISGAP) Dr. Ze’ev Khanin, Chief Scientist, Ministry of Immigrant Absorption of the State of Israel Dr. Igor Shchupak, Director of the Ukrainian Institute of Holocaust Studies “Tkuma” Moderator: Dr. […]