Business as Usual; The P5 Plus One Agreement as the Precursor to the Rise of Totalitarian Movements, the Legitimization of Antisemitism as an Anti-Democratic International Force

“Business as Usual; The P5 Plus One Agreement as the Precursor to the Rise of Totalitarian Movements, the Legitimization of Antisemitism as an Anti-Democratic International Force” Dr. Charles Asher Small, Executive Director, ISGAP Anti-Zionism = Antisemitism, a Symposium on Law and Policy The American Zionist Movement Symposium in cooperation with The World Zionist Organization Panelists […]
Campus Antisemitism and Pseudo-Intellectual Complicity
In recent decades, academics promoting pseudo intellectual studies have sought to advance the notion that antisemitism in the contemporary context, and specifically on college and university campuses, is a mere illusion, created by a group of alarmists,”[1] attempting to exaggerate the severity of threats against the Jewish community. Recently, this phenomenon received attention when the […]
Podcast: Dr. Charles Asher Small on “The Changing Face of Antisemitism”

Podcast: Charles Small on ”The Changing Face of Anti-Semitism” Antisemitism has, regrettably, been with us for millennia. But its nature and character, its intellectual foundations, its accusations against the Jews have all undergone a process of evolution. In medieval Christendom, Jews were condemned as unsaved, guilty of the crime of deicide. In the Europe of […]
Antisemitism As a Gateway to Terrorism
Antisemitism is one of the most lethal diseases of hatred that has ever faced humanity; it led to the Holocaust, a horrific and premeditated tragedy of human history, which resulted in the murder of millions of innocent lives and erased thousands of towns and villages from the map. Yet, despite centuries of antisemitism, this genocidal […]
Dr. Charles Asher Small, World Jewish Congress Webinar on Global Antisemitism

Oct. 16, “World Jewish Congress Webinar on Global Antisemitism” Dr. Charles Asher Small, Executive Director, ISGAP World Jewish Congress, 501 Madison Ave., 9th floor, New York, NY 10022 Monday, October 16, 2017 Dr. Small participated in a conversation with World Jewish Congress, Jewish Diplomatic Corps member, Efraim Chalamish. They discussed how the BDS movement is […]
Professor Uzi Rabi, Part IV – “Israel and the Changing Middle East – Reflection of a Neo-Antisemitism?”

“Israel and the Changing Middle East – Reflection of a Neo-Antisemitism?” – Part IV Professor Uzi Rabi, Director, Moshe Dayan Center, Tel Aviv University ISGAP-Oxford Summer Institute 2017 St. John’s College, Oxford University, United Kingdom Wednesday, July 26, 2017
Professor Uzi Rabi, Part III – “Israel and the Changing Middle East – Reflection of a Neo-Antisemitism?”

“Israel and the Changing Middle East – Reflection of a Neo-Antisemitism?” – Part III Professor Uzi Rabi, Director, Moshe Dayan Center, Tel Aviv University ISGAP-Oxford Summer Institute 2017 St. John’s College, Oxford University, United Kingdom Wednesday, July 26, 2017
Professor Robbie Sabel, “Is there a Role for International Law in Combating Antisemitism”

“Is there a Role for International Law in Combating Antisemitism” Professor Robbie Sabel, Professor of International Law, Hebrew University, Jerusalem ISGAP-Oxford Summer Institute 2017 St. John’s College, Oxford University, United Kingdom Wednesday, July 26, 2017
Dr. Michal Vasecka, “From Masaryk to Butora. Recent Antisemitism in Central Europe and its Functions”

“From Masaryk to Butora. Recent Antisemitism in Central Europe and its Functions” Dr. Michal Vasecka, Department of Social Studies, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic ISGAP-Oxford Summer Institute 2017 St. John’s College, Oxford University, United Kingdom Tuesday, July 25, 2017
Dr. Vladimir (Ze’ev) Khanin, “Antisemitism and ‘Philosemitism’ at War: Jewish Issues in the Interstate and Intrastate Conflicts at the post-Soviet Space.”

“Antisemitism and ‘Philosemitism’ at War: Jewish Issues in the Interstate and Intrastate Conflicts at the post-Soviet Space.” Dr. Vladimir (Ze’ev) Khanin, Department of Political Science at Ariel and Bar-Ilan Universities ISGAP-Oxford Summer Institute 2017 St. John’s College, Oxford University, United Kingdom Tuesday, July 25, 2017