We Find Ourselves in a New Kind of Egypt – How do we Leave it?
The Jews and Israel are surrounded by verbal, written and violently genocidal enemies. Who is our Moses, our Aaron, our Miriam? Who has God appointed to lead us to safety? We find ourselves in a new kind of Egypt—one in which the Jews and Israel are surrounded and inundated 24/7 by thousands of accusations, […]
Gilets jaunes : je ne peux pas les voir en peinture
Un choc peut être salutaire à condition de ne pas l’épouser. Or, tel n’est pas le cas avec le choc frontal giletjaunesque qui secoue la France depuis plus de deux mois. Une poignée de putschistes se saisit d’une pétition consensuelle contre la hausse du prix de carburant et entraîne la société dans un tête à […]
The Secret Jewish Plot Against Turkey
For Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his ruling elite, there’s a hidden, pernicious and conspiring hand that works tirelessly against the Republic of Turkey. Were it not for the connivance of this clandestine network, Turkey would be a global power and leader of nations. Who are these sinister conspirators who plot within the murky shadows of […]
L’antisionisme est Totalement Banalisé dans les Campus Américains
Polarisation extrême de la société, ravages du politiquement correct, antisionisme virulent… le massacre antisémite du 27 octobre qui a eu lieu dans l’Etat de Pennsylvanie révèle une profonde crise morale. Etretien ave l’écrivain et essayiste d’origine américaine Nidra Poller. Karen Benchetrit. L’attentat qui a tué onze personnes dans la synagogue de Pittsburgh a fait resurgir la […]
Gilets Jaunes: Lost in the Funhouse
BREAKING NEWS 8-11 PM December 11 Strasbourg: Terrorist attack at the Christmas market. The shooter, wounded and on the run, has been identified as 29–year-old Cherif C. a multi-recidivist criminal who has been flagged as a security risk since 2016. The current tally is two dead, a third victim brain-dead, thirteen wounded, six of them […]
The Illusion and Elusiveness of Whiteness: Between Politics and Polemics
The tenor of “identity politics and polemics” has lost listeners even as the tone of debates has intensified: there is a dialectic of tuning in and out of conversations about whether Jews who look white are, in fact, White? The argument, which gained media traction over the last twenty years – a relatively short period […]
Fighting for Jewish Restitution While Combating Antisemitism
We need to fight for the restitution of Jewish property as if there is no antisemitism and combat antisemitism as if there is no fight for Jewish restitution. Some say that fighting for the restitution of Jewish property, estimated at tens of billions of dollars, will contribute to the rise of antisemitism. However, according to […]
The Muslim Brotherhood and the Evolution of Jihadist Antisemitism
The Muslim Brotherhood has its forerunners: Wahhabism and Salafism, both of which are purist movements designed to purge Islam of all corrupting influences. Wahhabism was founded in 1744 by Muhammad ibn ‘Abd al-Wahhab al-Tamini. Building on its principles, Salafism emerged in the mid-nineteenth century as a collective movement. Salafists, deriving their name from the word […]
Campus Antisemitism and Pseudo-Intellectual Complicity
In recent decades, academics promoting pseudo intellectual studies have sought to advance the notion that antisemitism in the contemporary context, and specifically on college and university campuses, is a mere illusion, created by a group of alarmists,”[1] attempting to exaggerate the severity of threats against the Jewish community. Recently, this phenomenon received attention when the […]
Antisemitism As a Gateway to Terrorism
Antisemitism is one of the most lethal diseases of hatred that has ever faced humanity; it led to the Holocaust, a horrific and premeditated tragedy of human history, which resulted in the murder of millions of innocent lives and erased thousands of towns and villages from the map. Yet, despite centuries of antisemitism, this genocidal […]