Tag: Israel

Arab Minority in Israel: Denouncing the idea of a Jewish State?


On October 15, the eve of the 98th anniversary of Lord Balfour’s Declaration, Sheikh Kamal Khatib of the Islamic Movement in Israel wrote: If Balfour had promised the Jews a state and fulfilled his promise, then Allah praised his name had promised us to shed his light on the entire universe and make Islam victorious […]

Ending a Century of Palestinian Rejectionism


Palestinians are on the wrong track and will not get off it until the outside world demands better of them. News comes every year or two of a campaign of violence spurred by Palestinian political and religious leaders spreading wild-eyed conspiracy theories (the favorite: Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem is under threat). A spasm of unprovoked […]

Dr. Benny Morris, “The War of 1948: New Perspectives”


“The War of 1948: New Perspectives” Dr. Benny Morris Professor of History, Middle East Studies, Ben-Gurion University Morris begins by arguing that the 1948 War was an unusual one for two reasons. He firstly approaches it as a war of two distinct halves. The first, before 1948, was a civil war; during and after 1948 […]

Antisemitism, Made in France (2000-2015)


(English translation) For several years within the contentious field of antisemitism, we have seen a routine emerge of obscene words, selective outrage and blatant antisemitic assaults. But this violence forms part of a more general pattern, starting from the time of the second Intifada (2000) when anti-Jewish violence swept almost simultaneously across France and throughout […]

Escalation of Palestinian violence


The recent escalation in Palestinian violence was brought about by events in early September 2015, when tensions regarding the Temple Mount (Al-Aqsa Mosque) rose between Israelis and Palestinians. Violence broke out during the Jewish High Holidays, that saw an increase in Jewish worshippers to the Western Wall and the Temple Mount, as well as an […]

Palestinian Violence and Failure of Leadership


I am disheartened and worried about the violence being perpetrated in Israel by my fellow Palestinians. This recent wave of violence started at the Al-Aqsa mosque, in East Jerusalem, and extended to the rest of East Jerusalem, to the West Bank, and then to all of Israel does not seem to have any positive consequences […]

Executive Director, Dr. Charles Asher Small Speaks at Counter-Terrorism Conference


ISGAP’s Executive Director, Dr. Charles Asher Small spoke on Wednesday, September 9th, 2015 in Herzliya, Israel at the International Institute for Counter Terrorism (ICT) 15th International Conference: World Summit on Counter-Terrorism at the Interdisciplinary Center. Fellow panelists included Co-Chair Mr. Dan Diker, Research Fellow, ICT, IDC Herzliya, Israel, Co-Chair Lt. Col. (Res.) Avital Leibovich, Director, […]

“The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” PLO Ambassador to Chile, Mr. Imad Nabil Jada’a


The following, in English translation, is the text of the accompanying video of the speech by Ambassador Nabil Jada’a to the Conference for Peace in Palestine and Israel on May 15, 2015 in Santiago, Chile.

Ilan Greilsammer, “Zionism, Anti-Zionism, Post-Zionism, Antisemitism: Ending Semantic Confusions in the French Debate”


May 20 “Zionism, Anti-Zionism, Post-Zionism, Antisemitism: Ending Semantic Confusions in the French Debate” Ilan Greilsammer Professor of Political Science, Director of the Institute of the Study of Europeans, Bar-Ilan University, Israel Discussant: Philippe Portier Director GSRL, EPHE Location: EPHE Salle 117, Batiment Le France Time: 4:00-6:00 PM 20 mai “Sionisme, antisionisme, post-sionisme, antisémitisme: pour en […]

“Denial of Jewish Existence” PLO Ambassador to Chile, Mr. Imad Nabil Jada’a


The following, in English translation, is the text of the accompanying video of the speech by Ambassador Nabil Jada’a to the Conference for Peace in Palestine and Israel on May 15, 2015 in Santiago, Chile. “About the hatred we have against the Jewish people. As Palestinians, first, we don’t have hatred. Second we don’t recognize […]