ISGAP Flashpoint

In line with our commitment to academic freedom, ISGAP Flashpoint features articles designed to foster public debate about critical issues related to developments in global antisemitism, with a focus on the contemporary context.

Kindly note that the opinions expressed by the authors of ISGAP Flashpoint are their own and do not necessarily reflect or receive endorsement from ISGAP. ISGAP believes in providing a platform for diverse perspectives to encourage open dialogue on these important matters.

To submit a Flashpoint, paste it into the email body (no attachments). Include a headline, byline (author/s name), and a short bio (max. 250 words) at the end. Attach a high-quality headshot. Send submissions to [email protected].

Sameness as Peacemaking: Extremists Virtue-Signal Through Ethno-Convenience

Sameness as Peacemaking”: Extremists Virtue-Signal Through Ethno-Convenience Far-Right Isolationists and Neo-Marxist Progressives have sought to appease tyranny by “making peace” through ethno-conveniencing related ethnicities into a single national group. Kurds & Persians, Jews & Arabs, and Ukrainians & Russians are the most common cases of this virtue-signaling. “Arab Jews.” “Russians with Accents.” “Iranic Kurds.” All […]

Defending Against, and Counter-Attacking, the Antisemitic Mind-Hack

Words are tools of war; specifically, cognitive war. And these tools effectiveness in gradually changing perceptions about Jews over the long term, and thereby ramping-up Jew-hate slowly and inexorably, rests on their systematic deployment. Antisemites use this approach precisely because it enables them to alter people’s decision-making abilities. Individually or collectively, the latest cognitive science […]

The Abuse of Holocaust Memory in India

The denial and minimization of the Holocaust and the abuse of its memory are some of the most prominent manifestations of antisemitism. Although a predominantly non-Muslim country, India is home to the third-largest Muslim population in the world. With 14 per cent of the population being Muslims in India, the second-most populous country, they make […]

What Would My Grandfather Have Said About Antisemitism in America? 

The reverberations of shock and anxiety still echoing in the Jewish community after the horrific hostage situation at Congregation Beth Israel in Colleyville, Texas force me to reflect upon a critical question. Is this the new American reality for Jewish life? In recent years, it’s been easy for American Jews to look at global antisemitism […]

Antisemitism by Exposure: Doxxing Jews and Minorities

Doxxing is the act of seeking and publicly publishing online private or identifying information about an individual or a group with the purpose of exposing them to other online users. Doxxing is done to pressure or harass individuals or groups as they might suffer from frequent calls, emails, or even real-life harassment and violence from […]

American Antisemitism: A Historical, Political, and Psychological Analysis

Antisemitism has a long history in American politics. For centuries, politicians and propagandists on the left and the right have used Jew-hatred as a mobilizing tool to stoke fear of “the other,” as well as to find a convenient scapegoat on which to blame social, political, and economic problems. While Jews have experienced discrimination in […]

Commemorating Jewish Refugees from Arab Countries and Iran

There has been a Jewish presence in Arab-Muslim countries since well before Islam was introduced, and it dates back to before the 6th-century, before the current era. However, these communities have disappeared or are in the process of disappearing in the majority of Arab-Muslim countries. In fact, 865,000 Jews found themselves excluded in the very countries […]

No Justice for Sarah Halimi, No Republic

[This article was original written in French and has been translated into English. The French version is included at the bottom of this article. Cet article a été rédigé en français et a été traduit en anglais. La version française est incluse au bas de cet article.] _________________________________________________________________________ Sarah Attal-Halimi lived in rue de Vaucouleurs, […]

The Chief Justice of South Africa and the Role of the Constitution in Foreign Affairs

The South African political landscape has been experiencing tumultuous turns since the dawn of our democracy, turns of which have become definitive moments of our nation. These moments have either buttressed or eroded the foundations of the democratic project – reinforcing institutions, enhancing personal liberties and the protection of fundamental human rights. Our supreme law, […]

Woke Up: Cancel Culture Is A Form of Antisemitism

In the past couple of weeks, the cancel culture war took a darker turn. Several children’s books from Dr. Seuss and the authors of Curious George are the latest in a sophisticated version of 21st-century book burning. These authors have been determined to be racist within the context of cancel culture. However, the latest victims […]