Dr. Joel Kotek, “Contemporary Overview of Antisemitism in France and Belgium”

Dr. Joel Kotek – Free University of Brussels (ULB) and The Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris. “Contemporary Overview of Antisemitism in France and Belgium” ISGAP-Oxford Summer Institute 2017 St. John’s College, Oxford University, United Kingdom Thursday, July 27, 2017
I24 Television News DEBRIEF: Elections in France features Dr. Charles Asher Small

I24 Television News DEBRIEF: Elections in France Dr. Charles Asher Small, Executive Director, ISGAP, joined by French Parliamentarian Meyer Habib and Remi Daniel, Student Leader, Israeli Students Combatting Antisemitism. Part I – “Will Jewish organizations rally against Le Pen?” Part II – “Le Pen’s controversial views on WWII history”
Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions against Israel, in France 2002 – 2010
The Palestinian cause is emblematic in more ways than one, mobilizing a multiplicity of solidarities, passions and/or actions. Associations take action to support this cause, as well as maintaining multiple links and contacts among themselves. These groups are essentially on the left or extreme left of the political spectrum and mobilize anti-globalization and alternative issues […]
The Law and the Internet (France – Europe – International Conventions)
In France and in many European countries in particular, the provisions prohibiting incitement to racial hatred and the dissemination of racist remarks constitute reasonable and necessary restrictions on the right to freedom of speech. Many laws form the framework for combating racism and antisemitism. Furthermore, these countries are concerned with avoiding the trivialization of racist […]
Jews, Feudalism and the Magna Carta Mediaeval Myth Management and Modern Mismanagement©
“I wish I were in topsy-turvy land, where white is black and black is white, and night is day and day is night” (Unknown but similar to line in “My Dream” a Bab Ballad by W. S. Gilbert in the Operetta Topsyturveydom with music by Alfred Cellier). “Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose.” […]
Chaolin: A Senseless Death
French version follows the English. The life of Chaolin Zhang, an unassuming 49 year-old dressmaker and father of two, was stomped out on a sidewalk in Aubervilliers on the 12th of August, for no reason. One assault among so many, nothing out of the ordinary for the thugs that have been targeting Chinese people in the […]
Qu’est-ce qu’une caricature antisémite ? Essai d’explication historique et politique
I. Caricature, antisémitisme, antisionisme: de quoi parle-t-on ? La caricature n’est pas une source documentaire parmi d’autres : dans un monde marqué avant tout par l’image, la caricature est devenue un des moyens de communication les plus populaires et les plus efficaces. Aujourd’hui comme hier, l’opinion publique est davantage conditionnée par l’image -de la caricature à la […]
Israel and Europe After Brussels: What Insights Can We Share?
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: Israel, which unfortunately has had a great deal of experience with terrorist violence, has much to offer Europe in its own confrontation with Islamist terror. Once Europe has internalized the reality that it is fighting a war, Israel can advise it regarding strategies like effective intelligence collection, disruption of enemy money supply, and […]

Dr. Marc Knobel Research and Director of Studies at CRIF (Conseil representative des institutions Juives de France) January 28, 2016 Location: Leacock Building, Room 738 Time: 6:00 P.M. Convener: Michelle Whiteman, Director, ISGAP Canada
Israeli Apartheid Week in Britain: Why Students’ Unions Are Acting Unlawfully
Israeli Apartheid Week sits within a global social movement, the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions or BDS movement, which aims to exclude Israel from the economic, cultural and educational life of the rest of the world. It has been a feature of city and campus life since 2004 when it burst onto the scene with the […]