Vakhtang Kipiani “Antisemitism in the Media from 1988 to the Present: The Ukrainian and Russian Cases”

Vakhtang Kipiani is a Ukrainian journalist, chief editor of the well-known website, “Istorychna Pravda.” He was a participant of the Granite revolution of 1990. During the 1990s-2000s, he served as a journalist for several newspapers and TV channels. Kipiani studies the history of the informal press in the former Soviet Union and manifestations of extremism […]
Dr. David Gurevich “Philoumenos of Jacob’s Well: The Birth of a Contemporary Ritual Murder Myth”

Seminar Series: Antisemitism in Comparative Perspective “Philoumenos of Jacob’s Well: The Birth of a Contemporary Ritual Murder Myth” Dr. David Gurevich Founder of Ambassadors Online, Comper Interdisciplinary Center for the Study of Antisemitism and Racism, University of Haifa Presentation based on a paper prepared in conjunction with Mrs. Yisca Harani, Indepent Scholar, […]
ISGAP 2015 Summer Institute

On July 26, 2015, 28 professors from 17 different countries arrived at Hertford College, Oxford University for an intensive two week workshop-based curriculum development program dedicated to the development of antisemitism studies as an academic discipline. They were invited by the Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy (ISGAP), the first interdisciplinary research center dedicated […]
Angry Germans, Inept Leaders
German topics rarely make it into American cable news. Recently, however, a leading TV show put Chancellor Angela Merkel into the category of “villain of the week.” The reason given: she allowed an invasion of mostly young men from Arab and North African lands into Germany. Assaults during the Cologne New Year’s Eve celebrations seem […]
The Roots of Anti-Israel Attitudes
Israel is demonized and singled out by the media and international bodies. Israel is accused of excessive use of force, despite its great efforts to minimize collateral damage, while the massacres by the Assad regime or the heavy collateral damage resulting from Saudi attacks in Yemen are hardly mentioned. The EU decided to mark the […]
ISGAP’s Executive Director, Dr. Charles Asher Small Returns to Yale to Speak with Ruth R. Wisse

Defeating Global Antisemitism: The View from the United States Executive Director of ISGAP, Dr. Charles Asher Small and Ruth R. Wisse, Professor Emerita at Harvard University, asses the nature of contemporary antisemitism and ways to defeat it. This event was moderated by Rabbi Leah Cohen ofYale University’s Slifka Center. This marks Charles […]
The Great Failure of the Anti-Racist Intellectual Community: Downplaying Contemporary Antisemitism
In 2003, a survey of the main sociological and psychological research databases returned no published studies focusing on antisemitism in the Muslim world.[i] Last year, I repeated the study to see whether there had been an upsurge in mainstream social scientific research on the topic. Although a small cadre of writers during the past fifteen […]
Dr. Gunther Jikeli, “Rising Antisemitism in Europe: How to Assess the Threat?”

“Rising Antisemitism in Europe: How to Assess the Threat” Dr. Gunther Jikeli Visiting Professor, Institute for the Study of Contemporary Antisemitism, Indiana University Senior Research Fellow, ISGAP Location: Leacock Building, Room 738 Time: 6:00 P.M. Thursday, December 10th, 2015
Journalistic Ethics and Mideast Reporting
In a world at once increasingly chaotic and interconnected, the news media have come to play unprecedented roles both in covering and influencing fast-moving events. The current violence in Israel is all the more disturbing because of the morally ambiguous coverage it receives in the worldwide press. Although this phenomenon is not new – the […]
Arab Minority in Israel: Denouncing the idea of a Jewish State?
On October 15, the eve of the 98th anniversary of Lord Balfour’s Declaration, Sheikh Kamal Khatib of the Islamic Movement in Israel wrote: If Balfour had promised the Jews a state and fulfilled his promise, then Allah praised his name had promised us to shed his light on the entire universe and make Islam victorious […]