Plans for a Major BDS Campaign against Israel under UN Auspices

By Ambassador Richard Schifter Jan. 5, 2014 – Summary: Friends of Israel must be prepared to deal later this year with a proposed UN General Assembly resolution which would call for UN member states to impose a boycotts, divestment, and sanctions program (“BDS”) against Israel. As the General Assembly lacks the power to mandate such […]
ISGAP Opens in Rome – Sapienza Unviersity

It is with great pleasure that we announce the establishment of academic cooperation between ISGAP and Sapienza University of Rome, the largest university in Europe, and one of the most prestigious. On 25 November 2013, at Sapienza Aula Magna, the launch of ISGAP at Sapienza took place marking the first academic programme of ISGAP Italia […]
Charles Asher Small Gives Inaugural Speech at “Discrimination: Obstacle to Chile’s Development” Seminar
Canada supports the seminar “Discrimination: Obstacle to Chile’s Development” On October 28, 2013, the Embassy of Canada contributed, with its Post Initiative Fund, to the realization of the seminar “Discrimination: Obstacle to Chile’s Development” organized by the Chile-Israel Council with the support of the Chilean Senate. Canadian expert Charles Asher Small, Director of the Institute […]
ISGAP Special Event on Iran Featuring David Menashri

ISGAP invites all to attend a Special Event on Iran featuring Professor David Menashri President of the College of Law and Business, Ramat Gan Founding-Director of the Alliance Center for Iranian Studies, Tel Aviv University Introductory remarks by Lawrence B. Benenson, Chair of ISGAP and Dr. Charles Asher Small, Director of ISGAP “Iranian President Rouhani’s […]
Shalom TV Covers April 18 ISGAP Launch in NYC

The video below contains footage of the April 18th ISGAP Launch at Alliance Bernstein in New York, featuring David Harris, Rob Satloff, Bernard Lewis, and Charles Small. ISGAP is grateful to Alliance Bernstein, the exceptional speakers, and Shalom TV for their participation in this event.
Renowned Experts Sound Alarm Bells on Anti-Semitism at NYC Gathering

Several highly regarded experts on anti-Semitism and the state of the Jewish world sounded strong warnings about the escalation in global anti-Semitism at a Manhattan gathering last week that attracted a large group of Jewish community leaders. David Harris, executive director of the American Jewish Committee; Bernard Lewis, a top historical expert on Islam and […]
Tim Boxer On Global Anti-Semitism

Tony Lo Bianco, the Italian American actor from Brooklyn, was feeling depressed. He was at a luncheon for the Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy (ISGAP), one of the regular informative events produced by Jeffrey Wiesenfeld at his office at Bernstein Global Wealth Management. “I’ve attended many of these events,” Lo Bianco […]
In Europe, a Growing Case for Banning Hezbollah

There’s new evidence that the group’s jihadist and political branches are intertwined. BERLIN — In the wake of several recent high-profile cases incriminating Hezbollah in Europe, there are growing cracks in the European Union’s policy on the Lebanese terror group. Two of the EU’s leading voices, France and Germany, according to several recent reports, are […]
Jihadism spreading in West Africa, professor warns

MONTREAL — The tentacles of jihadist Islamist extremism are spreading across the African sub-Saharan continent and pose as great a risk there as anywhere else in the world, an African scholar said. Speaking to a Canadian Institute for Jewish Research gathering recently, Shalem Coulibaly, a philosophy professor at the Université de Ouagadougou in the West African […]
Anti-Israel Sentiment Predicts Anti-Semitism in Europe

By Edward H. Kaplan and Charles A. Small JOURNAL OF CONFLICT RESOLUTION, Vol. 50 No. 4, August 2006 548-561 © 2006 Sage Publications In the discourse surrounding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, extreme criticisms of Israel (e.g., Israel is an apartheid state, the Israel Defense Forces deliberately target Palestinian civilians), coupled with extreme policy proposals (e.g., boycott […]