Category: Highlights

“The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” PLO Ambassador to Chile, Mr. Imad Nabil Jada’a

The following, in English translation, is the text of the accompanying video of the speech by Ambassador Nabil Jada’a to the Conference for Peace in Palestine and Israel on May 15, 2015 in Santiago, Chile.

Foreign Fighters: The Challenge of Jihadists 3.0

By Yehudit Barsky – Three recent European terror attacks signal an alarming shift in the methods of foreign fighter training and indoctrination. They represent a third wave of terrorist preparation and call for new methods for dealing with them.

Afrique du Sud et Israël: vente aux enchères de la mémoire de l’apartheid

By Shalem Coulibaly – Le crime que l’élite d’une nation peut commettre à l’égard de son peuple: c’est l’oubli et l’ignorance de son histoire tant il est vrai que la mémoire collective cultivée dans tous ses pans, critiquée dans toutes ses failles et transmise méthodiquement constituent une balise de protection. Un peuple à la mémoire […]

The Hijacking of History by Opera: The Death of Klinghoffer

By Phyllis Chesler – I love opera. I was once a regular contributor to NPR’s “At the Opera,” and that privilege lasted for almost three years. I attend the Metropolitan opera as often as I can—I also attend the Chelsea Opera, the NY City Opera (when it existed), and the Glimmerglass Opera Festival in Cooperstown […]

The New Rainbow Antisemitism: Time To Act

By Dr. Joël Kotek May 26, 2014 – The Jews remain the main target of hate speech and physical violence in Belgium. In our country, the myths – not the facts – are stubbornly maintained. As regards racism, our “recognized experts” on the extreme right have been announcing the death of antisemitism for almost ten […]

The Central Role of the UN in the BDS Campaign against Israel

By Amb. Richard Schifter Feb. 5, 2014 – Anti-Israel activists seeking to impose boycotts, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) on Israel have been active on college campuses and among U.S. church groups for several years, but the media paid little attention until two months ago, when the American Studies Association adopted a resolution endorsing a boycott […]

Plans for a Major BDS Campaign against Israel under UN Auspices

By Ambassador Richard Schifter Jan. 5, 2014 – Summary: Friends of Israel must be prepared to deal later this year with a proposed UN General Assembly resolution which would call for UN member states to impose a boycotts, divestment, and sanctions program (“BDS”) against Israel. As the General Assembly lacks the power to mandate such […]