Columbia’s BDS Motion Misses the Point About Dialogue
Last week, students at Columbia University passed a resolution calling for boycotting and divesting from Israel. Their motion, sponsored by the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement, asserts that any commercial or intellectual connections to Israel “fall under the UN International Convention’ for both the suppression and punishment of the ‘Crime of Apartheid.’” For me, this news […]
Anti-Israel Claims of Ethnic Cleansing Have No Place in a Student Paper – or Anywhere
Last week Columbia University’s students passed a referendum that recommends that the university divests from all financial activities with Israel. According to the student group Columbia University Apartheid Divest (CUAD), this student led directive falls under the United Nations International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid. Jennifer Roskies, in this […]
Memory, The Jewish Intellectual, and Cartesian Cogito in Amery’s “At the Mind’s Limits”
Jean Amery, in the first chapter of At the Mind’s Limits, tries to demonstrate that Auschwitz rids the intellect of his western ideals and reduces the intellect to a playful logical framework. And as a playful logical framework, Amery’s account of the intellect resembles the Cartesian Cogito. In order to argue this thesis, I will […]
Professor Robert Wistrich, “Antisemitism and the Left: From Marx to the Present”

Nov. 19 “Antisemitism and the Left: From Marx to the Present” Professor Robert Wistrich, Director Vidal Sasson International Center for the Study of Antisemitism Hebrew University of Jerusalem Columbia University Location: Jerome Greene Hall, Lounge Time: 6:00 P.M.
Dr. Alon Segev, “Theodor Lessing – Jewish Self-hatred”

November 5th, 6PM, Columbia University Dr. Alon Segev, The University of Illinois at Springfield, Fordham, and ISGAP “Theodor Lessing – Jewish Self-hatred” Location: Columbia University, JG 105 (Jerome Greene Hall, 435 West 116th Street)
Professor Uzi Rabi – “Iran and Israel and the Arab World: New Discourses in a Changing Environment”

Title: “Iran and Israel and the Arab World: New Discourses in a Changing Environment”” Speaker: Professor Uzi Rabi, Director, Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Tel Aviv University Date: Thursday, May 1, 2014 Location: Columbia University, as part of the ISGAP seminar series “Antisemitism in Comparative Perspective”
Rabbi Joseph Telushkin – “Why The Jews? The Reason for Antisemitism”

Title: “Why The Jews? The Reason for Antisemitism” Speaker: Rabbi Joseph Telushkin, Rabbi, Author Date: Wednesday, April 24, 2014 Location: Columbia University, as part of the ISGAP seminar series “Antisemitism in Comparative Perspective”
Ambassador Ephraim Halevy- “Sovereignties and Players Local and International – Old and New – Struggling to Reshape a Crumbling Middle East Landscape. Quo Vadis?”

Title: “Sovereignties and Players Local and International – Old and New – Struggling to Reshape a Crumbling Middle East Landscape. Quo Vadis?” Speaker: Ambassador Ephraim Halevy, Head of the Center for Strategic Policy Studies, Hebrew University of Jerusalem’s School of Public Policy (2003-2011); Former Director of Mossad, Israel Date: Wednesday, April 2, 2014 Location: Columbia […]
The Psychological Impact of the Threat of Contemporary Genocidal Antisemitism: From Denial and Paralysis to Understanding the Challenge – Part 5

The Dr. James Sacks Conference:The Psychological Impact of the Threat of Contemporary Genocidal Antisemitism: From Denial and Paralysis to Understanding the Challenge – Part 5 Round Table Discussion with: Stevan Hobfoll, The Judd & Marjorie Weinberg Presidential Professor & Chair, Department of Behavioral Sciences, Rush University Medical Center Neil Kressel, Visiting Associate Professor, YIISA; Professor, […]
The Psychological Impact of the Threat of Contemporary Genocidal Antisemitism: From Denial and Paralysis to Understanding the Challenge – Part 4

The Dr. James Sacks Conference: The Psychological Impact of the Threat of Contemporary Genocidal Antisemitism: From Denial and Paralysis to Understanding the Challenge – Part 4 Min. 0:01: Title: “Trauma in Disguise: Antisemitism” Speaker: Hadar Lubin, Assistant Clinical Professor, Psychiatry, Yale University Min. 22:50: Title: “Mixed Emotional Needs of Israeli-Jews as a Potential Source of […]