Professor Alan Dershowitz speaks with ISGAP Director Dr. Charles Small on the Contemporary Context of Antisemitism
Professor Alan Dershowitz speaks with ISGAP Director Dr. Charles Small on Fascistic and Islamic Antisemitism in Europe and Hard-Left Demonization of Israel on Campus
Lawrence Summers at Columbia: Academic Freedom and Antisemitism

On January 29, 2015, Lawrence H. Summers delivered a major address on academic freedom and antisemitism at the inauguration of Columbia Law School’s Center for Law and Liberty. In his speech, he said, “Academic freedom is essential if universities are to succeed in their missions of creating and disseminating knowledge.”
ISGAP Director Dr. Charles Small speaks at Kigali International Forum on Genocide, “After Genocide What is the Role of Researchers?”
Irwin Mansdorf, “The Promotion of Nonviolence as Antisemitism: Psychological Warfare Against The Jewish State”
Seminar Series: Antisemitism in Comparative Perspective “The Promotion of Nonviolence as Antisemitism: Psychological Warfare Against The Jewish State” Dr. Irwin Mansdorf Fellow and Director, Israel-Arab Studies Program Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs Thursday, February 26, 2015, 5:30PM ISGAP Center, 3rd Floor
David Menashri “Iran, The United States and the Nuclear Challenge: A view from Israel”
Seminar Series: Antisemitism in Comparative Perspective “Iran, the United States and the Nuclear Challenge: A view from Israel” Professor David Menashri President, College of Law and Business, Ramat Gan Tuesday, February 24, 2015, 5:30PM ISGAP Center, 4th Floor
ISGAP in the News

As antisemitism becomes a more severe global problem, ISGAP has been invited to speak to several media outlets. Here is a sample of some recent interviews in Europe and Israel. i24 News: One-on-One with Dr. Charles Asher Small i24 News: L’invite du Grand Direct avec Dr. Charles Asher Small The State of Global Antisemitism- Israel […]
Afrique du Sud et Israël: vente aux enchères de la mémoire de l’apartheid
By Shalem Coulibaly – Le crime que l’élite d’une nation peut commettre à l’égard de son peuple: c’est l’oubli et l’ignorance de son histoire tant il est vrai que la mémoire collective cultivée dans tous ses pans, critiquée dans toutes ses failles et transmise méthodiquement constituent une balise de protection. Un peuple à la mémoire […]
Dr. Shimon Samuels, Director for International Relations at the Simon Wiesenthal Center at ISGAP
Dr. Shimon Samuel’s talk, “Antisemitic-Terrorism and ID Theft: A Two Pronged Zero-Sum Assault”, part of the ISGAP Seminar Series: Antisemitism in Comparative Perspective will air tonight, Tuesday, November 4, 2014 at 8PM EST on JBS & The event took place at the ISGAP Center on Monday, October 27, 2014. Click here to view the video.
Mark Golub JBS TV Interviews Dr. Charles Asher Small, ISGAP Director
Dr. Charles Asher Small’s interview with Mark Golub on L’Chayim will air tonight, Monday, November 3rd at 9PM EST on JBS & Dr. Charles Asher Small, Founding Director of the Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy and Koret Distinguished Scholar, Hoover Institution, Stanford University, addresses the root of the Muslim […]