Category: Highlights

Watch the Natan Sharansky Webinar on the 3Ds and the IHRA Definition: Tools to Combating Antisemitism

Click here to watch the Natan Sharansky Webinar: The 3Ds and the IHRA Definition: Tools to Combating Antisemitism Natan Sharansky, Chair of ISGAP and 2020 Genesis Prize Laureate Seminar Chair Dr. Charles Asher Small, Executive Director, ISGAP; Research Scholar, St. Antony’s College, Oxford Zoom Webinar, Monday, June 1, 2020

Watch the Webinar on Pandemics, Conspiracy Theories and Antisemitism

There is a historical link between associating pandemics with “the other”, and history will show that pandemics were often coincident with rising levels of antisemitic activity. In this seminar, we will both trace the history of pandemics and antisemitism, as well as look at our contemporary context as it relates to COVID-19 – where there […]

Video Highlights: ISGAP-Oxford Civil Servants Workshop

“ISGAP is truly at the cutting edge of the fight against antisemitism.” – Elan Carr, US Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism   Natan Sharansky, Chair, ISGAP Dr. Charles Asher Small, Executive Director, ISGAP   Katharina von Schnurbein, European Commission Coordinator on Combating Antisemitism and Fostering Jewish Life Special Envoy Elan Carr U.S. Special […]

Adapting Our Efforts to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Outbreak

ISGAP’s Response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Outbreak   Midst the challenge from the Coronavirus, the ISGAP Team continues to monitor the situation, and is committed to adapting our efforts to map, decode and combat antisemitism. Current travel restrictions will impact ISGAP in-person programming.   Unfortunately, ISGAP will postpone the Civil Servants Workshop on Antisemitism and Policy, at […]

Apply for ONLINE ISGAP-Oxford Summer Institute 2020

The ISGAP-Oxford Summer Institute was originally scheduled to take place from August 9th to 20th at Pembroke College, Oxford. Due to COVID-19, and the international lockdown, which includes Oxford University, we regret to announce that the ISGAP-Oxford Summer Institute program at Pembroke College has been canceled.   However, we are happy to announce that the […]

Mosaic Magazine: ISGAP Research Drives Investigation into Yale, Harvard and other U.S. Universities

Mosaic Magazine Feature Article on ISGAP Research   “Qatar’s Unreported Donations to American Universities May Feed Campus Anti-Zionism”   “On February 12, the Department of Education announced that it suspects Harvard and Yale of failing to report millions of dollars received from China, Iran, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and elsewhere. The department has also accused […]

Dr. Small delivers Keynote Address at UN Geneva Conference hosted by the Muslim World League

Dr. Charles Asher Small gave a keynote address at the historic UN Geneva Conference, hosted by the Muslim World League’s Initiative for Protecting the Youth from Extremist and Violent Ideologies. Charles spoke on “Confronting Antisemitism as the Key to Eradicating Violent Extremism”. Assessing how antisemitism – a European phenomenon – was imported and fused with […]

Italian Government Collaborates with ISGAP to Fight Antisemitism

On Tuesday, February 17, ISGAP Italy held a private meeting with the National Coordinator for the fight against Antisemitism of the Italian government, Professor Milena Santerini. The meeting took place together with Professor Anna Piperno, Technical Director of the Ministry of Education and Scientific Research. Dr. Robert Hassan was able to establish new points of collaboration, […]

Watch Dr. Charles Asher Small at Department of Justice Summit on Combating Antisemitism

ISGAP Director Charles Asher Small spoke on Islamist funding of U.S. universities at a Department of Justice Summit on Combatting Antisemitism. Click Here to Watch the Summit on CSPAN Dr. Charles Asher Small, the founder and director of the Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy (ISGAP), addressed the U.S. Department of Justice […]