Arab Boycotts
Apr. 20, Arab Boycotts Benjamin Weinthal, Research Fellow, Foundation for Defense of Democracy Week Three: A dive into the Arab boycott of Jews and Israel will be a feature of the course. Palestinian Arabs launched boycott activities and violence against Jewish businesses and Jews in then-British mandate Palestine. As early as 1922 Arab leaders promoted […]
Iran: Hybrid Threats and Latin America

23 Feb., “Iran: Hybrid Threats and Latin America” Dr. Felipe Pathé Duarte, Assistant Professor and Researcher, NOVA Law School and Institute for Internal Security and Police Science, Lisbon; Senior Consultant, VisionWare Information Systems; International Security Resident Analyst, RTP Television. Convener: Dr. Pedro Gonzalez Corona, Research Fellow, ISGAP Date: Tuesday, February 23, 2021 Time: 11:00 AM […]
The AMIA Crime, a Personal Journey (Spanish)

26 Jan., “The AMIA Crime, a Personal Journey” Luis Czyzewski, Activist, Speaker, Writer and AMIA Auditor Convener: Dr. Pedro González Corona, Research Fellow, ISGAP Antisemitism in Latin American in Comparative Perspective International Seminar Series Date: Tuesday, January 26, 2021 Time: 11:00 AM Eastern Time
The Murder and Legacy of Alberto Nisman / El asesinato y legado de Alberto Nisman

“The Murder and Legacy of Alberto Nisman” “El asesinato y legado de Alberto Nisman” Zoom Webinar in Spanish, Featuring Simultaneous English Translation Seminario virtual en español con traducción simultánea en inglés Opening Remarks / Palabras de apertura Natan Sharansky, Chair, ISGAP / Presidente, ISGAP Dr. Charles Asher Small, Executive Director, ISGAP; Research Scholar, St. Antony’s […]
International Terrorism and Antisemitism: The Islamic Fundamentalism’s Attacks in Argentina

Professor Alberto Nisman, Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires; General Prosecutor in the Terrorist Attack Against the Argentine Jewish Community Center: “International Terrorism and Antisemitism: The Islamic Fundamentalism’s Attacks in Argentina” “Global Antisemitism” Plenary Session as part of the YIISA/IASA “Global Antisemitism: A Crisis of Modernity” Conference from August 23-25, 2010 Translator Samuel Eppel, Director, Human […]
Professor David Patterson Interview – Oxford 2019

Professor David Patterson Hillel Feinberg Chair in Holocaust Studies, Ackerman Center for Holocaust Studies, University of Texas at Dallas ISGAP-Oxford Summer Institute 2019 St. John’s College Oxford University July 7-19, 2019
Antisemitism As a Gateway to Terrorism
Antisemitism is one of the most lethal diseases of hatred that has ever faced humanity; it led to the Holocaust, a horrific and premeditated tragedy of human history, which resulted in the murder of millions of innocent lives and erased thousands of towns and villages from the map. Yet, despite centuries of antisemitism, this genocidal […]
Violence Against Jews in the United States: A Historical Perspective and Analysis

Apr. 20, “Violence Against Jews in the United States: A Historical Perspective and Analysis” Yehudit Barsky, ISGAP Research Fellow and Author; Location: Columbia University, William and June Warren Hall, WJ Basement 107 1125 Amsterdam Ave., New York, NY 10027 Time 6:00 P.M.
Major-General Yaakov Amidror, “The War Against the Jewish State: Countries, Terror Organizations and BDS”

Maj.-Gen (Ret.) Yaakov Amidror Former National Security Advisor to the Prime Minister of Israel and the Head of the National Security Council from 2011 to 2013. September 27, “The War Against the Jewish State: Countries, Terror Organizations and BDS” Location: NaUKMA Museum, National University of Kyiv Mohyla Academy, 2 Skovorody St. Time: 6:00 P.M. – 8:00 P.M. Introductory Greetings […]
Islamist Terrorism and Antisemitism
Combating Islamist ideology and understanding the Islamism-Antisemitism nexus will be key in the battle against terrorism and antisemitism A review of terrorist acts over the last 15 years shows a sharp rise of Islamist terrorism–[1] that is, terrorist acts justified by an Islamist-Jihadist ideology, the perpetrators’ interpretation of “true” Islam. Most indications suggest that Jihadist […]