Tag: Israel

Afrique du Sud et Israël: vente aux enchères de la mémoire de l’apartheid


By Shalem Coulibaly – Le crime que l’élite d’une nation peut commettre à l’égard de son peuple: c’est l’oubli et l’ignorance de son histoire tant il est vrai que la mémoire collective cultivée dans tous ses pans, critiquée dans toutes ses failles et transmise méthodiquement constituent une balise de protection. Un peuple à la mémoire […]

Dr. Dahn Hiuni, “The New RDS Movement (Retractions and Disavowals in Scholarship): One Academic’s Symbolic Pushback Against the BDS Movement”


October 20th, 6PM, McGill University Dr. Dahn Hiuni, Independent Artist and Adjunct Professor of Art and Art Education, School of Visual Arts, New York “The New RDS Movement (Retractions and Disavowals in Scholarship): One Academic’s Symbolic Pushback Against the BDS Movement” Location: McGill University, Leacock Building, Room 738

The Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy Newsletter


The Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy Newsletter Volume 6 No. 4 29 August 2014 QUOTE OF THE WEEK “We must take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented. Sometimes we must interfere. When human lives are endangered, when human dignity is in jeopardy, […]

2014-2015 Newsletter Volume 6 No. 3


The Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy
Volume 6 No. 3
22 August 2014
Cartoon courtesy of Legal Insurrection, as seen on Forbes.com

2014-2015 Newsletter Volume 6 No. 2


The Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy
Volume 6 No. 2
15 August 2014

Is Journalism Dead?


AUGUST 7, 2014 – I have been a journalist for a quarter of a century. I have covered terrorism both in Israel and internationally. I reported on the war in the Balkans, on upheavals in Russia since the fall of the Communism, on peace negotiations between Israel, the Palestinians and the Syrians. I have covered the […]

An Urgent Message from Dr. Charles Asher Small


“Gas the Jews” was heard during recent protests in Germany – reported by the Associated Press. In Paris, nine synagogues were attacked and many stores burned in the weeks since Israel launched Operation Protective Edge in Gaza. “They are not screaming, ‘death to the Israelis’ on the streets of Paris…they are screaming ‘death to the […]

ISGAP Reacts to the Discovery of Murdered Israeli Teens


New York, NY, June 30, 2014 – The Director of the Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy, and the Koret Scholar, Hoover Institution, Stanford University, Dr. Charles Asher Small is horrified by the murder of three Israeli teenage boys. The bodies of Naftali Fraenkel, 16, Gilad Shaar, 16, and Eyal Yifrach, 19, […]

Professor Uzi Rabi – “Iran and Israel and the Arab World: New Discourses in a Changing Environment”


Title: “Iran and Israel and the Arab World: New Discourses in a Changing Environment”” Speaker: Professor Uzi Rabi, Director, Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern Studies, Tel Aviv University Date: Thursday, May 1, 2014 Location: Columbia University, as part of the ISGAP seminar series “Antisemitism in Comparative Perspective”

On cockroaches, apes and genocide


April 19, 2014- Atrocities committed by the Nazis against the Jewish People during the Holocaust, aided and abetted by the international community’s indifference, led to the greatest systematic murder of a people, and the unabashed antisemitism led to the ultimate destruction of much of Europe itself. The moral and political failure of the international community […]