Dr. Dan Michman – Part I – “An Antisemitic Idea through a Linguistic-Historical Lens: The ‘Ghetto’ from Venice to the Nazi Era”

Dr. Dan Michman – Professor of Modern History, Bar-Ilan University Head of the International Institute of Holocaust Research, Yad Vashem Part I – “An Antisemitic Idea through a Linguistic-Historical Lens: The ‘Ghetto’ from Venice to the Nazi Era” ISGAP-Oxford Summer Institute 2016 St. Antony’s College, Oxford, United Kingdom Tuesday, August 2, 2016
Why is Europe turning a blind eye to Islamic occupation?
In a world beset by terrorism and humanitarian disasters, the international community remains fixated on the State of Israel. The one and only state of the Jewish people, back in their historical homeland, is a beacon of democracy in the Muslim-Arab sphere devoid of human rights, left behind by social and economic progress and subject […]
Chaolin: A Senseless Death
French version follows the English. The life of Chaolin Zhang, an unassuming 49 year-old dressmaker and father of two, was stomped out on a sidewalk in Aubervilliers on the 12th of August, for no reason. One assault among so many, nothing out of the ordinary for the thugs that have been targeting Chinese people in the […]
Qu’est-ce qu’une caricature antisémite ? Essai d’explication historique et politique
I. Caricature, antisémitisme, antisionisme: de quoi parle-t-on ? La caricature n’est pas une source documentaire parmi d’autres : dans un monde marqué avant tout par l’image, la caricature est devenue un des moyens de communication les plus populaires et les plus efficaces. Aujourd’hui comme hier, l’opinion publique est davantage conditionnée par l’image -de la caricature à la […]
Juggling the Jigsaw Produced by Filmmaker Ian Halperin

The World Turned Upside Down No.1 NY Times bestselling author and award winning filmmaker Ian Halperin, wants the world to know that the current wave of antisemitism is gaining power every day and that unless something is done about it asap more and more Jews will leave Europe because they fear for their safety. TO […]
Executive Director of ISGAP Conducts Q&A with The Jewish Week

Dr. Charles Asher Small addressed the dangerous rise of antisemitism in Europe during his interview with The Jewish Week. Click here to read the article.
Eran Lerman, ” Three Totalitarian Temptations Nazism Communism and Islamism as Anchors in the Israel Palestine Conflict”
Col. (res.) Dr. Eran Lerman Researcher at Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies and former Deputy for Foreign Policy and International Affairs at the National Security Council in the Israeli Prime Minster’s Office Location: Leacock Building, Room 738 Time: 6:00 P.M. Convener: Michelle Whiteman, Director, ISGAP Canada
If one compares the scale and manifestations of antisemitism in Poland today with the scale and manifestations of this phenomenon in France, Austria, the Netherlands or some Scandinavian countries, one could argue that Poland ought to be declared a kind of safe-haven for Jews in Europe. Alas, this is not the case since antisemitic posters […]
Melanie Phillips, “Islamophobia and Antisemitism: A Dangerous Comparison”

APRIL 4, 2016 “ISLAMOPHOBIA AND ANTISEMITISM: A DANGEROUS COMPARISON” Melanie Phillips, Journalist, Author, Publisher Location: ISGAP Center, 3rd Floor Time: 6:00 PM Convener: Vivaldi Jean-Marie
Benjamin Weinthal, “Europe’s Economic War On Israel: The Role of Antisemitism in BDS and Product Labels”

MARCH 31, 2016 “Europe’s Economic War on Israel: The Role of Antisemitism in BDS and Product Labels” Benjamin Weinthal, European Affairs Correspondent for The Jerusalem Post, Fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies (FDD) Location: ISGAP Center, 3rd Floor Time: 6:00 PM Convener: Vivaldi Jean-Marie