Symposium on Contemporary Antisemitism in Europe
European Studies Centre, St. Antony’s College, Oxford University, and ISGAP Present “A Symposium on Contemporary Antisemitism in Europe” Chaired by Dr. Hartmut Mayer, Director, European Studies Centre; Fellow, St. Peter’s College “Globalization and Antisemitism: The Attack on the Democratic Centre and the Need to Create Critical Contemporary Antisemitism Studies Dr. Charles Asher Small, Executive Director, […]
A Straightforward and Practical Resource for Understanding Labour’s Antisemitism Problem
This web page, and the many links contained within it, is a resource for political people who will increasingly find that they need to understand contemporary antisemitism. Please bookmark it and come back to it when you need it. And I’m sorry to tell you that you will need it. Antisemitism always positions its own […]
Making Sense of Germany’s Indifference to Contemporary Antisemitism and its Bashing of Israel

Benjamin Weinthal, Journalist and Research Fellow, Foundation for Defense of Democracies The ISGAP Center 165 E. 56th St., Third Floor New York, NY 10022 Date: Wednesday, April 3, 2019 Time: 6:00 P.M.
Dr. Glen Feder, Antisemitism in France

Feb. 21, Antisemitism in France, Jewish cemeteries vandalized and philosopher attacked as rallies are held against the rise in hatred. Dr. Glen Feder, Director of ISGAP France France 24 English Date: Thursday, February 21, 2019
Gilets jaunes : je ne peux pas les voir en peinture
Un choc peut être salutaire à condition de ne pas l’épouser. Or, tel n’est pas le cas avec le choc frontal giletjaunesque qui secoue la France depuis plus de deux mois. Une poignée de putschistes se saisit d’une pétition consensuelle contre la hausse du prix de carburant et entraîne la société dans un tête à […]
Benjamin Weinthal, “Rising Antisemitism in Europe”

Rising Antisemitism in Europe Benjamin Weinthal, Journalist and Research Fellow, Foundation for Defense of Democracies The ISGAP Center 165 E. 56th St., New York, NY 10022 Tuesday, November 20, 2018 6:00 P.M.
Gilets Jaunes: Lost in the Funhouse
BREAKING NEWS 8-11 PM December 11 Strasbourg: Terrorist attack at the Christmas market. The shooter, wounded and on the run, has been identified as 29–year-old Cherif C. a multi-recidivist criminal who has been flagged as a security risk since 2016. The current tally is two dead, a third victim brain-dead, thirteen wounded, six of them […]
Fighting for Jewish Restitution While Combating Antisemitism
We need to fight for the restitution of Jewish property as if there is no antisemitism and combat antisemitism as if there is no fight for Jewish restitution. Some say that fighting for the restitution of Jewish property, estimated at tens of billions of dollars, will contribute to the rise of antisemitism. However, according to […]
Antisemitism As a Gateway to Terrorism
Antisemitism is one of the most lethal diseases of hatred that has ever faced humanity; it led to the Holocaust, a horrific and premeditated tragedy of human history, which resulted in the murder of millions of innocent lives and erased thousands of towns and villages from the map. Yet, despite centuries of antisemitism, this genocidal […]
Professor Benny Morris, “The Two Contemporary Islamic Fundamentalist Threats to the West and Israel”

Professor Benny Morris – History and Middle Eastern Studies, Ben Gurion University “The Two Contemporary Islamic Fundamentalist Threats to the West and Israel” ISGAP-Oxford Summer Institute St. John’s College, Oxford, United Kingdom Wednesday, July 19, 2017