Charles Asher Small – “Global Antisemitism: A Crisis of Modernity” Harvard Part 1

Title: “Global Antisemitism: A Crisis of Modernity” Speaker: Charles Asher Small, Director of ISGAP and Koret Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University Date: November 12, 2013 Location: North Dining Hall, Harvard Faculty Club, as part of the ISGAP Seminar Series, “Antisemitism in Comparative Perspective” Co-sponsored by the Harvard Law School Conveners: Charles Asher Small, Director, ISGAP; […]
Charles Asher Small Gives Inaugural Speech at “Discrimination: Obstacle to Chile’s Development” Seminar
Canada supports the seminar “Discrimination: Obstacle to Chile’s Development” On October 28, 2013, the Embassy of Canada contributed, with its Post Initiative Fund, to the realization of the seminar “Discrimination: Obstacle to Chile’s Development” organized by the Chile-Israel Council with the support of the Chilean Senate. Canadian expert Charles Asher Small, Director of the Institute […]
Charles Asher Small – “Global Antisemitism: A Crisis of Modernity” McGill

Title: “Global Antisemitism: A Crisis of Modernity” Speaker: Charles Asher Small, Director of ISGAP and Koret Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University Date: November 11, 2013 Location: Leacock 738, McGill University, as part of the ISGAP Seminar Series, “Antisemitism in Comparative Perspective” Convener: Raphaël Fischler, Associate Professor and Director, School of Urban Planning, McGill University
Haras Rafiq – “Pathways to Extremism and Radicalisation”

Title: “Pathways to Extremism and Radicalisation” Speaker: Haras Rafiq, Founding Director of CENTRI (Counter Extremism Consultancy, Training, Research and Interventions) Introductory Remarks by Convener Dr. Richard Stone, Professor of Law, Columbia University Law School Date: November 6, 2013 Location: Jerome Greene Hall 101, Columbia University Law School, as part of the ISGAP Seminar Series, “Antisemitism […]
ISGAP Special Event on Iran Featuring David Menashri

ISGAP invites all to attend a Special Event on Iran featuring Professor David Menashri President of the College of Law and Business, Ramat Gan Founding-Director of the Alliance Center for Iranian Studies, Tel Aviv University Introductory remarks by Lawrence B. Benenson, Chair of ISGAP and Dr. Charles Asher Small, Director of ISGAP “Iranian President Rouhani’s […]
Tim Boxer On Global Anti-Semitism

Tony Lo Bianco, the Italian American actor from Brooklyn, was feeling depressed. He was at a luncheon for the Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy (ISGAP), one of the regular informative events produced by Jeffrey Wiesenfeld at his office at Bernstein Global Wealth Management. “I’ve attended many of these events,” Lo Bianco […]
Rifat Bali – “The Roots of Turkish Antisemitism and Its Themes”

Title: “The Roots of Turkish Antisemitism and Its Themes” Speaker: Rifat Bali, an independent scholar specializing in the history of Turkish Jewry Date: April 11, 2013 Location: Fordham University, as part of the “Antisemitism in Comparative Perspective” Seminar Series
Anti-Israel Sentiment Predicts Anti-Semitism in Europe

By Edward H. Kaplan and Charles A. Small JOURNAL OF CONFLICT RESOLUTION, Vol. 50 No. 4, August 2006 548-561 © 2006 Sage Publications In the discourse surrounding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, extreme criticisms of Israel (e.g., Israel is an apartheid state, the Israel Defense Forces deliberately target Palestinian civilians), coupled with extreme policy proposals (e.g., boycott […]
Gregory Gordon – “The Forgotten Nuremberg Hate Speech Case: Otto Dietrich and the Future of Persecution Law”

Title: “The Forgotten Nuremberg Hate Speech Case: Otto Dietrich and the Future of Persecution Law” Speaker: Gregory Gordon, Associate Professor of Law at the University of North Dakota and Director of the UND Center for Human Rights and Genocide Studies Date: April 10, 2013 Location: Harvard Law School, as part of the “Antisemitism in Comparative […]
Nora Gold – ‘I Don’t Know Why They Hate Us – I Don’t Think We Did Anything Bad to Hurt Them’: Jewish Girls in Toronto (aged 10-12) Reflect on their Experiences of Antisemitism

Title: “‘I Don’t Know Why They Hate Us – I Don’t Think We Did Anything Bad to Hurt Them’ : Jewish Girls in Toronto (aged 10-12) Reflect on their Experiences of Antisemitism” Speaker: Dr. Nora Gold, Center for Women’s Studies, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto Date: April 9, 2013 Location: McGill […]