Anti-Israel Claims of Ethnic Cleansing Have No Place in a Student Paper – or Anywhere
Last week Columbia University’s students passed a referendum that recommends that the university divests from all financial activities with Israel. According to the student group Columbia University Apartheid Divest (CUAD), this student led directive falls under the United Nations International Convention on the Suppression and Punishment of the Crime of Apartheid. Jennifer Roskies, in this […]
Volume II – Examining Undocumented Foreign Funding of American Universities: Implications for Education and Rising Antisemitism by Charles Asher Small and Michael Bass (2020)

VOLUME II Examining Undocumented Foreign Funding of American Universities: Implications for Education and Rising Antisemitism September 2020 ISBN 978-0-9827894-6-9 INTRODUCTION In July 2019 at the Department of Justice (DOJ) in Washington, DC, the Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy (ISGAP) presented a summary of the findings of a research project started in […]
Dr. Barry Kosmin and Dr. Charles Asher Small: 2020 ISGAP-Oxford Summer Institute

“Global Antisemitism and the University: A 200-Year Problem” Dr. Barry Kosmin, Professor Emeritus, Trinity College, Connecticut “Global Antisemitism: A Crisis of Modernity” Dr. Charles Asher Small, Executive Director, ISGAP; Research Scholar, St. Antony’s College, Oxford 2020 ISGAP-Oxford Summer Institute Date: Monday, August 10, 2020
Special ISGAP Report: The Threat to Academic Freedom from National Students for Justice in Palestine

National Students for Justice in Palestine (NSJP) and the Promotion of Hate and Antisemitism on the University Campus: The Threat to Academic Freedom Report by the Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy (ISGAP) Dr. Charles Asher Small, Executive Director, ISGAP, Visiting Scholar, St. Antony’s College, Oxford Professor David Patterson, University of Texas […]
Watch Dr. Charles Asher Small at Department of Justice Summit on Combating Antisemitism

ISGAP Director Charles Asher Small spoke on Islamist funding of U.S. universities at a Department of Justice Summit on Combatting Antisemitism. Click Here to Watch the Summit on CSPAN Dr. Charles Asher Small, the founder and director of the Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy (ISGAP), addressed the U.S. Department of Justice […]
Professor Katya Gibel Mevorach, Oxford 2019 – “Teaching about Antisemitism in the Era of Amnesia, Erasure, and Omissions”

Professor Katya Gibel Mevorach, Anthropology and American Studies, Grinnell College “Teaching about Antisemitism in the Era of Amnesia, Erasure, and Omissions” ISGAP-Oxford Summer Institute 2019 St. John’s College Oxford University July 16, 2019
Professor Amy Elman, Oxford 2019 – “Fatal Attraction – The Sadism of Antisemitism”

Professor Amy Elman, William Weber Chair of Social Science, Kalamazoo College “Fatal Attraction – The Sadism of Antisemitism” ISGAP-Oxford Summer Institute 2019 St. John’s College Oxford University July 11, 2019
Antisemitism on Campus Today (ACT) Student Leadership Assembly
Antisemitism on Campus Today (ACT) Student Leadership Assembly Jewish Students as the Vanguard in the Struggle for Human Rights and Fighting Reactionary Social Movements at Universities Featuring Dr. Charles Asher Small, Executive Director, ISGAP Professor Deborah Lipstadt, Dorot Professor of Modern Jewish and Holocaust Studies, Emory University; ISGAP-Oxford Summer Institute Lecturer Hussein Aboubakr Mansour, Egyptian […]
Poisonous Pedagogy: Israel Hatred and the Collapse of Liberal Education
Professor William Kolbrener reflects on the corrupting and ideologised pedagogy in higher education that is creating ‘a moral cosmos as rigid as any to be found in conventional theologies’ and which not only demonises Israel but erodes the very basis of the liberal university. He calls for those committed to democracy to make clear that […]
We Find Ourselves in a New Kind of Egypt – How do we Leave it?
The Jews and Israel are surrounded by verbal, written and violently genocidal enemies. Who is our Moses, our Aaron, our Miriam? Who has God appointed to lead us to safety? We find ourselves in a new kind of Egypt—one in which the Jews and Israel are surrounded and inundated 24/7 by thousands of accusations, […]