ISGAP-UK Programming 2025

ISGAP-Woolf Institute, in association with the University of Cambridge, UK January 23, 2025: “Higher Education Policy, Foreign Funding and Soft Power: Implications for Democratic Principles and Antisemitism” Location: Woolf Institute, Cambridge, UK Time: 2-6 PM GMT This symposium marks the launch of a ground-breaking ISGAP report, “Education Policy in the United Kingdom Foreign Funding, Soft Power […]
Political Leadership in The Age of Scoundrels – Reflections in advance of the UK’s December Election
If the second quarter of the twentieth century was “The age of the dictators” then the current period is bidding to be “The age of the scoundrels”. Certainly, few would claim that many of today’s national leaders display high levels of personal integrity. Perhaps it was ‘ever so’ but surely, not, in democracies, displayed in […]
A Straightforward and Practical Resource for Understanding Labour’s Antisemitism Problem
This web page, and the many links contained within it, is a resource for political people who will increasingly find that they need to understand contemporary antisemitism. Please bookmark it and come back to it when you need it. And I’m sorry to tell you that you will need it. Antisemitism always positions its own […]
ISGAP-Oxford Summer Institute 2018, Day Three, Jonathan Arkush, “British Jews under Pressure – is there a Future Here”

Jonathan Arkush, President, Board of Deputies of British Jews, 2015-2018 “British Jews under Pressure – is there a Future Here?” ISGAP-Oxford Summer Institute 2018 St. John’s College, Oxford University, United Kingdom Tuesday, July 31, 2018
Jews, Feudalism and the Magna Carta Mediaeval Myth Management and Modern Mismanagement©
“I wish I were in topsy-turvy land, where white is black and black is white, and night is day and day is night” (Unknown but similar to line in “My Dream” a Bab Ballad by W. S. Gilbert in the Operetta Topsyturveydom with music by Alfred Cellier). “Plus ça change, plus c’est la même chose.” […]
Israeli Apartheid Week in Britain: Why Students’ Unions Are Acting Unlawfully
Israeli Apartheid Week sits within a global social movement, the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions or BDS movement, which aims to exclude Israel from the economic, cultural and educational life of the rest of the world. It has been a feature of city and campus life since 2004 when it burst onto the scene with the […]
Gilbert Kahn, Barry Kosmin, Winston Pickett – “Models of Combating Antisemitism”

YIISA/IASA Inaugural “Global Antisemitism: A Crisis of Modernity” Conference Panel: “Models of Combating Antisemitism” Speakers: Professor Gilbert Kahn, Kean University: “The Community Security Trust: Why is it Protecting British Jewry?” Professor Barry Kosmin, Trinity College: “Fighting Antisemitism in the UK: Moving from Reaction to Pro-action” Dr. Winston Pickett, Former Director, European Institute for the Study […]
Shimon Samuels, Michael Whine, Michael Kotzin, Barak Seener – “Discourses of Antisemitism in Relation to the Middle East”

YIISA/IASA “Global Antisemitism: A Crisis of Modernity” Inaugural Conference Panel: “Discourses of Antisemitism in Relation to the Middle East” Speakers: Dr. Shimon Samuels, Simon Wiesenthal Center: “Judicial Jihad in the Service of Hamas, Antisemitism and Intimidation: Proposals for Countermeasures” Michael Whine, Community Security Trust: “London: Progress in Combating Antisemitism at the International Level” Dr. Michael […]
Defne Jones, Marianna Scherini, Antonia Schmid, Phyllis Lassner – “The Media and the Dissemination of Hatred”

YIISA/IASA “Global Antisemitism: A Crisis of Modernity” Conference Panel: “The Media and the Dissemination of Hatred” Speakers: Defne Jones, Indiana University: “Antisemitism Through Political Cartoons in Turkey” Dr. Marianna Scherini, University of Siena: “The Image of Israel and of the Israeli in British, French and Italian Daily Press During the Lebanon War 1982” Antonia Schmid, […]
Hilda Nissimi, Lara Trubowitz, Mark Weitzman – “Christianity and Antisemitism”

YIISA/IASA “Global Antisemitism: A Crisis of Modernity” Conference Panel: “Christianity and Antisemitism” Speakers: Dr. Hilda Nissimi, Bar-Ilan University – “Religion, Liberalism, and Empire in Britain: Antisemitism as Lynchpin” Professor Lara Trubowitz, University of Iowa – “Wyndham Lewis, Christian Theology and the Artfulness of Antisemitism, or Redefining Tolerance in an Era of Refugees” Mark Weitzman, Simon […]