What Hamas Leaders Actually Want – In Their Own Words
The time since October 7, 2023, has been a devastating, life-changing time for me and for most Jews around the world: at minimum, we are processing the events of October 7, the deadliest day of murdering Jews since the Holocaust, when six million Jews were systematically murdered by the Nazis. On October 7, approximately 3,000 […]
Natan Sharansky for Tablet Magazine: “Never Again is Now”

Read the full article on the Tablet Magazine Website here. BY NATAN SHARANSKY – OCTOBER 31, 2023 “Even the presidents of leading universities—unlike the president of the United States—have refused to denounce Hamas’s evil, speaking instead about violence on both sides. Those who protest microaggressions are unable or unwilling to differentiate between the most awful […]
ISGAP NYU-Bronfman Center Symposium: October 7 and the Surge in Antisemitism in U.S. Higher Education

Thursday, 26 October 2023︱2 – 5 PM EDT ISGAP and NYU Bronfman Center host a timely symposium. The first panel will explore what has happened on American campuses since October 7, including the responses of university administrations and the impact on Jewish and pro-Israel students. It will also discuss the ramifications of the longstanding funding […]
Listen to Dr. Charles Asher Small briefing on Illegal on American Campuses on Money Rehab podcast with Nicole Lapin

Illegal Has Infiltrated American Campuses – Here’s How To Make Sure Your Money Is Clean ISGAP Executive Director and Founder, Dr. Charles Asher Small joins Nicole Lapin on the Money Rehab podcast to illuminate the money trail of funds to American universities from Qatar— a country known for supporting terror groups, including Hamas, the group […]
Never Alone: Prison, Politics and my People

September 24, “Never Alone: Prison, Politics and my People” Natan Sharansky, Chair, ISGAP; 2020 Genesis Prize Laureate Professor Gil Troy, Professor of History, McGill University Chair Dr. Charles Asher Small, Executive Director, ISGAP; Research Scholar, St. Antony’s College, Oxford Zoom Webinar Date: Thursday, September 24, 2020 Time: 8:00 AM Los Angeles Time – 11:00 AM New […]
Higher Education and Contemporary Antisemitism: Soft Power and Foreign Influence – Examining Undocumented Foreign Funding of American Universities, Implications for Education and Rising Antisemitism by Charles Asher Small and Michael Bass (2019)

HIGHER EDUCATION AND CONTEMPORARY ANTISEMITISM: SOFT POWER AND FOREIGN INFLUENCE Examining Undocumented Foreign Funding of American Universities, Implications for Education and Rising Antisemitism Dr. Charles Asher Small Michael Bass Based on findings submitted to the DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE SUMMIT ON COMBATING ANTISEMITISM, WASHINGTON DC, JULY 2019 The Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and […]
Where do we go from here? Combating Racism and Antisemitism in the 21st Century

May 20, “Where do we go from here? Combating Racism and Antisemitism in the 21st Century” Dr. Charles Asher Small, Executive Director, ISGAP; Research Scholar, St. Antony’s College, Oxford Dr. Carlton Long, CEO, Lawrence-Long & Co. Educational Consulting Dr. Sunni Ali, Northeastern Illinois University Dr. Victoria Kamsler, Former Lecturer at Princeton University and Wellesley College Professor […]
Antisemitism, Anti-Zionism, Jewish students and failed policies
A new article at The Washington Post by Molly Harris claims that liberal Jewish students are being “actively excluded” from social justice organizations. Jewish college students will find that those active in BDS are also active in other left-wing groups and “as a Zionist this can be extremely disheartening.” Her article goes to the heart […]
Resentment, Anxiety and Careerism: Accounting for Antisemitism in the Academy and Among the Intelligentsia
Recently I’ve been professionally involved in surveys of two very different Jewish populations – one of Jewish university students on 55 American campuses and the other of Jewish leaders in 28 European countries. Yet a majority of respondents in both surveys reported great concern about antisemitism. The 2013 Pew Survey revealed that older American Jews […]
Kenneth Marcus — “Anti-Semitism, Higher Education, and the Law”

Title: “Anti-Semitism, Higher Education, and the Law” Speaker: Kenneth Marcus, President and General Counsel, Louis D. Brandeis Center for Human Rights Under Law. Date: December 3rd, 2013 Location: Theatre Room, Harvard Faculty Club, as part of the ISGAP seminar series “Antisemitism in Comparative Perspective” Conveners: Charles Freilich, Senior Fellow, International Security Program, Belfer Center for […]