Setting the Record Straight: Refuting the Common Lies Told About Israel by Andrew Pessin

This essay examines—and refutes—many of the major lies regularly disseminated about Israel by its many detractors. It also shows that in many cases the reverse is true: not only does Israel do the opposite of what is alleged, but it is Israel’s enemies who are guilty of the charges leveled against it. These lies individually […]
American Antisemitism: A Historical, Political, and Psychological Analysis
Antisemitism has a long history in American politics. For centuries, politicians and propagandists on the left and the right have used Jew-hatred as a mobilizing tool to stoke fear of “the other,” as well as to find a convenient scapegoat on which to blame social, political, and economic problems. While Jews have experienced discrimination in […]
Eye of the Beholder: American Antisemitism Perceptions and Realities
07 Mar., “Eye of the Beholder: American Antisemitism Perceptions and Realities” Professor Sylvia Barack Fishman, Brandeis University, Waltham, United States Historical Tropes in Contemporary Antisemitism International Seminar Series Date: Monday, March 07, 2022 Time: 10:00 AM Eastern Time Click here to register for this webinar Join ISGAP’s International Seminar Series titled, Historical Tropes in Contemporary Antisemitism. This series will […]
Antisemitism at My Door? How I Talked About Hate Crimes with My Children
Antisemitism and hate crimes in general are on the rise in the United States. According to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), 2019 witnessed more than 2,100 anti-Jewish acts, including assaults, vandalism, and harassment, marking an increase of 12 percent over the previous year. This is the highest level of antisemitic incidents since ADL began tracking them four decades […]
Never Alone: Prison, Politics and my People

September 24, “Never Alone: Prison, Politics and my People” Natan Sharansky, Chair, ISGAP; 2020 Genesis Prize Laureate Professor Gil Troy, Professor of History, McGill University Chair Dr. Charles Asher Small, Executive Director, ISGAP; Research Scholar, St. Antony’s College, Oxford Zoom Webinar Date: Thursday, September 24, 2020 Time: 8:00 AM Los Angeles Time – 11:00 AM New […]
Emerging Antisemitism in the United States in a Time of Discontent
Jun. 15, “Emerging Antisemitism in the United States in a Time of Discontent” Dr. Charles Asher Small, Executive Director, ISGAP; Research Scholar, St. Antony’s College, Oxford Zoom Webinar Date: Monday, June 15, 2020 Time: 8:00 AM Los Angeles Time, 11:00 AM New York Time, 4:00 PM London Time, 6:00 PM Israel Time Click here […]
Professor Sylvia Barack Fishman Interview – Oxford 2019

Professor Sylvia Barack Fishman Emerita Professor of Contemporary Jewish Life, Near Eastern and Judaic Studies Department, Brandeis University ISGAP-Oxford Summer Institute 2019 St. John’s College Oxford University July 7-19, 2019
We Find Ourselves in a New Kind of Egypt – How do we Leave it?
The Jews and Israel are surrounded by verbal, written and violently genocidal enemies. Who is our Moses, our Aaron, our Miriam? Who has God appointed to lead us to safety? We find ourselves in a new kind of Egypt—one in which the Jews and Israel are surrounded and inundated 24/7 by thousands of accusations, […]
L’antisionisme est Totalement Banalisé dans les Campus Américains
Polarisation extrême de la société, ravages du politiquement correct, antisionisme virulent… le massacre antisémite du 27 octobre qui a eu lieu dans l’Etat de Pennsylvanie révèle une profonde crise morale. Etretien ave l’écrivain et essayiste d’origine américaine Nidra Poller. Karen Benchetrit. L’attentat qui a tué onze personnes dans la synagogue de Pittsburgh a fait resurgir la […]
Campus Antisemitism and Pseudo-Intellectual Complicity
In recent decades, academics promoting pseudo intellectual studies have sought to advance the notion that antisemitism in the contemporary context, and specifically on college and university campuses, is a mere illusion, created by a group of alarmists,”[1] attempting to exaggerate the severity of threats against the Jewish community. Recently, this phenomenon received attention when the […]