ISGAP Conference: Contemporary Jewry in Sub-Saharan Africa Symposium, The Voices of Jewish-African Leaders

Read the article by Daphne Klajman, Research and Programming Coordinator, ISGAP, which highlights the story of three of the speakers in the Jerusalem Post by clicking here. Throughout much of Africa, during the past fifty years, there has been a re-emergence of ancient Jewish communities, and a surge of new Jewish communities, both with increasing […]
ISGAP Symposium on The Origins and Manifestations of Antisemitism from North Africa – Session One

19 May, “ISGAP Symposium on The Origins and Manifestations of Antisemitism from North Africa – Session One” Professor Yassin Abdel Aziz, University Ibnou Zohr, Morocco Ahmed Assid, Philosopher and Political Activist, Royal Institute of Amazigh Culture, Morocco Mohamed Abdelwahab al-Rafiqi, Ex-Salafist turned Social Activist against Extremism, Morocco Professor Bruce Maddy-Weitzman, Department of Middle Eastern and African History, […]
ISGAP Symposium on The Origins and Manifestations of Antisemitism from North Africa – Session Two
26 May., “ISGAP Symposium on The Origins and Manifestations of Antisemitism from North Africa – Session Two” Dr. Georges Bensoussan, Historian and Editor-In-Chief, Revue d’histoire de la Shoah, France Professor Tewfic Aclimandos, Department of International Relations, Collège de France; Visiting Professor, Cairo University; France Dr. Joël Kotek, Free University of Brussels and the Institut d’Etudes […]
ISGAP Symposium on The Origins and Manifestations of Antisemitism from North Africa – Session One
19 May., “ISGAP Symposium on The Origins and Manifestations of Antisemitism from North Africa – Session One” Professor Yassin Abdel Aziz, University Ibnou Zohr, Morocco Ahmed Assid, Philosopher and Political Activist, Royal Institute of Amazigh Culture, Morocco Mohamed Abdelwahab al-Rafiqi, Ex-Salafist turned Social Activist against Extremism, Morocco Professor Bruce Maddy-Weitzman, Department of Middle Eastern and […]
Groundbreaking Symposium on the Origins and Manifestations of Antisemitism from North Africa – Day Two
26 May, “ISGAP Symposium on The Origins and Manifestations of Antisemitism from North Africa – Session Two” Dr. Georges Bensoussan, Historian and Editor-In-Chief, Revue d’histoire de la Shoah, France Professor Tewfic Aclimandos, Department of International Relations, Collège de France; Visiting Professor, Cairo University; France Dr. Joël Kotek, Free University of Brussels and the Institut d’Etudes […]