Tag: Sunni Ali

Highlights Day Three: ISGAP-Oxford Summer Institute for Curriculum Development


Tuesday, 9 August 2022 – Pembroke College, Oxford Devin Randolph, Department of Education, Claflin University, Orangeburg, U.S. “Anne and Emmett: Confronting Antisemitism, Racism and Otherness through Pedagogy” Professor Katya Gibel Mevorach, Anthropology Department, Grinnell College, Grinnell, U.S. “Antisemitism and Curriculum: Decentering Identities/ Curating Syllabi” Ben M. Freeman, Author and Jewish Educator, London, U.K. “The Impact […]

Jewish and African American Relations in a Time of Rising Racism and Antisemitism


25 Feb., “Jewish and African American Relations in a Time of Rising Racism and Antisemitism” Special Event in Honor of Black History Month Keynote Speaker: Natan Sharansky, Chair, ISGAP Panelists Dr. Shari Rogers, Former Southeast Area Director, American Jewish Committee Sherry Frank, Former Southeast Area Director, American Jewish Committee Professor Sunni Ali, Assistant Professor of Educational Inquiry and […]

Jewish and African American Relations in a Time of Rising Racism and Antisemitism


25 Feb., “Jewish and African American Relations in a Time of Rising Racism and Antisemitism” Special Event in Honor of Black History Month Keynote Speaker: Natan Sharansky, Chair, ISGAP Panelists Dr. Shari Rogers, Former Southeast Area Director, American Jewish Committee Sherry Frank, Former Southeast Area Director, American Jewish Committee Professor Sunni Ali, Assistant Professor of […]

YouTube Removes the Nation of Islam


ISGAP applauds YouTube’s decision to remove the Nation of Islam’s (NOI) YouTube channel from its platform. YouTube cited its policies against hate speech in explaining this landmark decision. According to the Southern Poverty Law Center and the American Defamation League, the Nation of Islam and Louis Farrakhan in particular, are among the most active and […]

Professor Sunni Ali, When Hip-Hop Exercises Antisemitism, 2020 ISGAP-Oxford Summer Institute


Professor Sunni Ali, Assistant Professor of Educational Inquiry and Curriculum Studies, Northeastern Illinois University “When Hip-Hop Exercises Antisemitism” Jewish archetypes and tropes resonate with some hip-hop artists that allege Jews are the masters of manipulating capitalism, the music-and-movie industry, and the legal system. Many of these artists rely on false-and-deadly information from the Protocols of […]

A Dangerous Beat: Louis Farrakhan, Hip Hop and Hate


The Nation of Islam, under the leadership of Louis Farrakhan, has heavily influenced the modern Hip-Hop community. Watch our video to better understand how this influence has resulted in the Hip-Hop industry’s entanglement with antisemitism.

Day Five Highlights: 2020 ISGAP-Oxford Summer Institute


Dr. Charles Asher Small, Program Convener and Executive Director, ISGAP; Research Scholar, St. Antony’s College, Oxford “Ambassadors for the Interdisciplinary Study of Antisemitism: Ways Forward” Professor Ansel Brown, Assistant Clinical Professor of Political Science; Director, University Honors Program, North Carolina Central University “Common Bonds and Experiences of African and Jewish Communities” The familiar journey of […]

The Festering Wound: Racism in the United States, where do we go from here


June 4, “The Festering Wound: Racism in the United States, where do we go from here?” Dr. Charles Asher Small, Executive Director, ISGAP; Research Scholar, St. Antony’s College, Oxford Dr. Sunni Ali, Northeastern Illinois University Dr. Harold V. Bennett, Chair, Department of Philosophy and Religion, Morehouse College Professor Ansel Brown, Visiting Assistant Professor, North Carolina […]

ISGAP Zoom Webinar Hub


ISGAP is finding innovative ways to pursue our research, publishing and programming activities with the help of technologies that will expand our digital footprint, and help ensure that collaborations with other organizations, academics, policy experts and political leaders will be strengthened.    Our educational programs will proceed through a combination of video conferences, expert briefings, […]

Where do we go from here? Combating Racism and Antisemitism in the 21st Century


May 20, “Where do we go from here? Combating Racism and Antisemitism in the 21st Century” Dr. Charles Asher Small, Executive Director, ISGAP; Research Scholar, St. Antony’s College, Oxford Dr. Carlton Long, CEO, Lawrence-Long & Co. Educational Consulting Dr. Sunni Ali, Northeastern Illinois University Dr. Victoria Kamsler, Former Lecturer at Princeton University and Wellesley College Professor […]