Corona Antisemitism in the Middle East

May 11, “Corona Antisemitism in the Middle East” Professor Uzi Rabi, Director, The Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies, Tel-Aviv University Chair Dr. Charles Asher Small, Executive Director, ISGAP; Research Scholar, St. Antony’s College, Oxford Zoom Webinar Date: Monday, May 11, 2020 Time: 8:00 AM Los Angeles Time, 11:00 AM New York Time, […]
Mid-East Strategy in the Time of the Virus: The Key Dynamics in mid-2020
May 18, “Mid-East Strategy in the Time of the Virus: The Key Dynamics in mid-2020″ Dr. Jonathan Spyer, Executive Director, Middle East Center for Reporting and Analysis; Research Associate, Jerusalem Center for Security and Strategy; Fellow, Middle East Forum Chair Dr. Charles Asher Small, Executive Director, ISGAP; Research Scholar, St. Antony’s College, Oxford Zoom Webinar […]
Corona Antisemitism in the Middle East
May 11, “Corona Antisemitism in the Middle East” Professor Uzi Rabi, Director, The Moshe Dayan Center for Middle Eastern and African Studies, Tel-Aviv University Chair Dr. Charles Asher Small, Executive Director, ISGAP; Research Scholar, St. Antony’s College, Oxford Zoom Webinar Date: Monday, May 11, 2020 Time: 8:00 AM Los Angeles Time, 11:00 AM New York Time, […]
Professor Uzi Rabi, Oxford 2019 – Israel and the Post Arab Spring Middle East

Professor Uzi Rabi, Director, Moshe Dayan Center, Tel Aviv University “Israel and the Post Arab Spring Middle East” ISGAP-Oxford Summer Institute 2019 St. John’s College Oxford University July 10, 2019
Brig. Gen. (Res.) Yosef Kuperwasser – Oxford 2019 – How Israeli and American Policies in the Middle East Address Antisemitism and Anti-Zionism

Brig. Gen. (Res.) Yosef Kuperwasser Senior Manager for Regional Affairs Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs “How Israeli and American Policies in the Middle East Address Antisemitism and Anti-Zionism” ISGAP-Oxford Summer Institute 2019 St. John’s College Oxford University July 7, 2019
Israel’s Place in the Middle East – Oxford 2019

Professor Uzi Rabi, Director, Moshe Dayan Center, Tel Aviv University Dr. Joseph Braude, Advisor, Al-Mesbar Studies and Research Center, Strategic Advisor, America Abroad Media, Senior Fellow, Foreign Policy Research Institute “Israel’s Place in the Middle East” 2019 ISGAP-Oxford Sumer Institute St. John’s College Oxford University July 7-19, 2019
The Issue of Islamist Antisemitism – Oxford 2019

The Issue of Islamist Antisemitism – Oxford 2019 Professor David Patterson, Hillel Feinberg Chair in Holocaust Studies, Ackerman Center for Holocaust Studies, University of Texas at Dallas Professor Dr. Bassam Tibi, Professor Emeritus for International Relations, University of Goettingen Joseph Braude, Advisor, Al-Mesbar Studies and Research Center, Strategic Advisor, America Abroad Media, Senior Fellow, Foreign […]
Meet ISGAP – Exclusive Interview with Voyage MIA Magazine

Today we’d like to introduce you to Charles Asher Small. Charles Asher, please share your story with us. How did you get to where you are today? ISGAP was created after being inspired by Professor Elie Weisel, who was a great scholar, the most known survivor of the Holocaust and Nobel Peace Prize Laurette. I […]
The Secret Jewish Plot Against Turkey
For Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and his ruling elite, there’s a hidden, pernicious and conspiring hand that works tirelessly against the Republic of Turkey. Were it not for the connivance of this clandestine network, Turkey would be a global power and leader of nations. Who are these sinister conspirators who plot within the murky shadows of […]
Iran’s Strategic Ambitions: The Challenge to Israel, the Region and the West

Maj.-Gen. (Ret.) Avi Mizrachi, Commander of the Israel Defense Force’s Central Command, 2009-2012 Professor David Menashri, Founding Director, Alliance Center for Iranian Studies, Tel Aviv University, Expert on Iran and the Nuclear Agreement Convener: Dr. Charles Asher Small, Executive Director, ISGAP The ISGAP Center, 165 E. 56th St., New York, NY 10022 Date: Friday, […]