Tag: ISGAP in the media

Dr. Glen Feder, Antisemitism in France


Feb. 21, Antisemitism in France, Jewish cemeteries vandalized and philosopher attacked as rallies are held against the rise in hatred. Dr. Glen Feder, Director of ISGAP France France 24 English Date: Thursday, February 21, 2019

Poway Shooting and Rising Antisemitic Discourse in the U.S. – Fox News Interview


  Click here to watch the Fox News interview     (From San Diego, CA) ISGAP, the Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy, condemns the deadly white supremacist attack on the Chabad Synagogue in Poway, a peaceful suburb of San Diego.  All of us at ISGAP pray for the victims of the horrific hate crime. We […]

Meet ISGAP – Exclusive Interview with Voyage MIA Magazine


Today we’d like to introduce you to Charles Asher Small. Charles Asher, please share your story with us. How did you get to where you are today? ISGAP was created after being inspired by Professor Elie Weisel, who was a great scholar, the most known survivor of the Holocaust and Nobel Peace Prize Laurette. I […]

Ami Magazine feature, “Black Intellectuals Embrace Antisemitism”, includes commentary by Dr. Charles Asher Small


Black Intellectuals Embrace Antisemitism: A Worrying Trend is Emerging   By Rafael Medoff, Ami Magazine January 9, 2019 / / 3 Shvat 5779   Click here to read the article (PDF)   Dr. Charles Asher Small of ISGAP was featured in this important article.   Charles Small on CNN commentator and Temple University Professor Marc […]

Jewish Broadcasting Service – In The News, Dr. Charles Asher Small on the Pittsburgh Tragedy


Jewish Broadcasting Service – In The News Dr. Charles Asher Small, Executive Director of ISGAP, on the Pittsburgh Tragedy In The News on JBS, hosted by Rabbi Mark S. Golub, interviewed Dr. Charles Asher Small, Executive Director, ISGAP, earlier this week. They discussed the horrific antisemitic attack on the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh, […]

Al-Ain Interview with Dr. Charles Asher Small, Executive Director, ISGAP, The Muslim World League International Conference


The Muslim World League, The General Secretariat, General Administration for International Relations, Second International Conference on Cultural Rapprochement between the United States and the Muslim World. Manhattan, New York October 4-5, 2018 Keynote address by Dr. Charles Asher Small, Executive Director, ISGAP Dr. Mohammad bin Abdulkarim Alissa, The Secretary General of the Muslim World League Abdallah […]

Book Review – The First Shall Be the Last: Rethinking Antisemitism


Book review by Roman Katsman, Full Professor at the Department of Literature of the Jewish People in Bar Ilan University, Israel. Adam Katz and Eric Gans, The First Shall Be the Last: Rethinking Antisemitism. An Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy Publication. This book by Adam Katz and Eric Gans makes a significant […]

Dr. Charles Asher Small Speaks Out Against Polish Kosher Meat Bill


Dr. Charles Asher Small spoke with Eliana Rudee of Breaking Israel News about the controversial bill in Poland on kosher meat. He highlighted the antisemitic discourse around the issue, and the need for deeper historical perspective on the issue in Poland, “We need to start to look at Polish society not in a prescriptive manner […]

Podcast: Dr. Charles Asher Small on “The Changing Face of Antisemitism”


Podcast: Charles Small on ”The Changing Face of Anti-Semitism” Antisemitism has, regrettably, been with us for millennia. But its nature and character, its intellectual foundations, its accusations against the Jews have all undergone a process of evolution. In medieval Christendom, Jews were condemned as unsaved, guilty of the crime of deicide. In the Europe of […]