Foreign Funding of Universities: Undermining Democracy, Spreading Antisemitism
Nov. 19, Foreign Funding of Universities: Undermining Democracy, Spreading Antisemitism Dr. Charles Asher Small, Executive Director, ISGAP; Research Scholar, Oxford Michael Bass, Investigative CPA Ryan Mauro, Director, Clarion Intelligence Network Moderator: Raheel Raza, Pakistani-Canadian Journalist, Author and Public Speaker Time: 7 pm EST Date: Thursday, November 19, 2020 Click here to register. Sponsored by ISGAP, […]
Watch Dr. Small at the Department of Education in Washington DC

Confirming revelations featured in ISGAP’s seven-year research “Follow the Money” – U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos unveiled a report detailing the massive failure of many colleges and universities to disclose more than $6.5 billion in funding and resources from foreign sources including China, Russia, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Qatar. Dr. Charles […]
No Strings Attached: Tracing Foreign Influence in Higher Education
Oct. 20, “No Strings Attached: Tracing Foreign Influence in Higher Education” U.S. Department of Education Panel Opening and closing keynotes from Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos and Under Secretary of State Keith Krach. “Influence of Foreign Funding on Educational Institutions” Dr. Charles A. Small, Executive Director, Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy; […]
VOLUME II Examining Undocumented Foreign Funding of American Universities: Implications for Education and Rising Antisemitism

Volume II Examining Undocumented Foreign Funding of American Universities: Implications for Education and Rising Antisemitism September 2020 ISBN 978-0-9827894-6-9 INTRODUCTION In July 2019 at the Department of Justice (DOJ) in Washington, DC, the Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy (ISGAP) presented a summary of the findings of a research project started in […]
Volume II – Examining Undocumented Foreign Funding of American Universities: Implications for Education and Rising Antisemitism by Charles Asher Small and Michael Bass (2020)

VOLUME II Examining Undocumented Foreign Funding of American Universities: Implications for Education and Rising Antisemitism September 2020 ISBN 978-0-9827894-6-9 INTRODUCTION In July 2019 at the Department of Justice (DOJ) in Washington, DC, the Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy (ISGAP) presented a summary of the findings of a research project started in […]
Higher Education and Contemporary Antisemitism: Soft Power and Foreign Influence – Examining Undocumented Foreign Funding of American Universities, Implications for Education and Rising Antisemitism by Charles Asher Small and Michael Bass (2019)

HIGHER EDUCATION AND CONTEMPORARY ANTISEMITISM: SOFT POWER AND FOREIGN INFLUENCE Examining Undocumented Foreign Funding of American Universities, Implications for Education and Rising Antisemitism Dr. Charles Asher Small Michael Bass Based on findings submitted to the DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE SUMMIT ON COMBATING ANTISEMITISM, WASHINGTON DC, JULY 2019 The Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and […]
Higher Education and Contemporary Antisemitism: Soft Power and Foreign Influence – Examining Undocumented Foreign Funding of American Universities: Implications for Education and Rising Antisemitism

Higher Education and Contemporary Antisemitism: Soft Power and Foreign Influence Examining Undocumented Foreign Funding of American Universities: Implications for Education and Rising Antisemitism Charles Asher Small Michael Bass Based on the findings submitted to the DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE SUMMIT ON COMBATTING ANTISEMITISM WASHINGTON DC – July 2019 Click here to read the […]
Mosaic Magazine: ISGAP Research Drives Investigation into Yale, Harvard and other U.S. Universities

Mosaic Magazine Feature Article on ISGAP Research “Qatar’s Unreported Donations to American Universities May Feed Campus Anti-Zionism” “On February 12, the Department of Education announced that it suspects Harvard and Yale of failing to report millions of dollars received from China, Iran, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and elsewhere. The department has also accused […]