Dr. Charles Asher Small Joins International Conference to Mark 75 Years Since the Liberation of Auschwitz and 25 Years After the 1994 Genocide Against the Tutsi

On Monday, February 3, Dr. Charles Asher Small had the honor of representing ISGAP in Kigali, Rwanda, at the international conference on Incitement + Dehumanization as Precursors to Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity. The occasion marked 75 years since the liberation of Auschwitz and occurred 25 years after the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi. Dr. Small’s lecture entitled, “Holocaust-denial and […]
Memory, The Jewish Intellectual, and Cartesian Cogito in Amery’s “At the Mind’s Limits”
Jean Amery, in the first chapter of At the Mind’s Limits, tries to demonstrate that Auschwitz rids the intellect of his western ideals and reduces the intellect to a playful logical framework. And as a playful logical framework, Amery’s account of the intellect resembles the Cartesian Cogito. In order to argue this thesis, I will […]
Professor Martin Kramer, “Gaza=Auschwitz: Antisemitism by Analogy?”

Nov. 18 “Gaza=Auschwitz: Antisemitism by Analogy?” Professor Martin Kramer, President Shalem College, Jerusalem Location: Harvard Faculty Club, Room 4 Time: 7:00 P.M.