In light of recent events and the concerning rise in antisemitism globally, we recognize the importance of creating a space for dialogue, support, and resilience. We have thus partnered with ISGAP Senior Research Fellow, Lazerwolf Amsel, to host a series of three virtual group support sessions, designed to address how we can deal with the critical issue of the normalization of international Jew hatred. 

Session Details:

Title: Dealing With the Shock of the Current Normalization of International Jew Hatred: A Group Support Process for Developing Resilience

Purpose of the Sessions:
While the group meetings will be under the leadership of mental health professionals, these sessions are not intended to be a form of therapy, and no clinician-client relationship is implied. Instead, they are an opportunity for mutual emotional support and the development of new forms of resilience in dealing with the crisis of international Jew hatred. We believe that by coming together to share thoughts, feelings, and complex emotional reactions this hatred and tolerance of hatred has generated, we can help each other find constructive ways to cope with these challenging times.

Topics of Discussion:
During these sessions, we expect to discuss a range of topics, including but not limited to:

– Anger: How to direct and focus it constructively
– Identity: What your identity means and requires of you
– Responsibility: Your responsibility to other Jews or, for non-Jews, what it means to be an ally
– The Suffering of the Other: How to deal honestly with Palestinian suffering while maintaining safety for Israel and its citizens
– Pride: The nature and appropriate expression of cultural pride
– Balance: Issues of individual identity versus group identity versus our universal humanity
– Communication: How to engage in conversations about your feelings and opinions, especially with those who disagree with you

1. Wednesday, November 1st at 1:30 PM
2. Wednesday, November 8th at 1:30 PM
3. Wednesday, November 15th at 1:30 PM

The initial sessions will serve as a pilot project and are exclusively open to ISGAP fellows. Your involvement in these initial meetings will be crucial in shaping the ground rules and the interpersonal dynamics of the group process in the future, which may be open to students and faculty from universities around the world (as well as interested citizens) who have been impacted by the surge of Jew-hatred and wish to work with others in an emotionally constructive fashion. Some of our fellows may even take on leadership roles in future groups.