This report examines the Choices Program, a national education initiative for K-12 social studies curriculum housed at Brown University that combines licensed curriculum units, free online content, and professional education workshops to provide a range of resources for secondary school classrooms.The program, used by 8,000 schools in all fifty states, reaches over one million students. Our investigation reveals significant concerns regarding the program’s ambiguous structure, lack of transparency, ideological content shifts, and external influences.
This report examines the positions and alliances of the South African government in light of its decision to bring a legal case against Israel before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague. The report reveals a persistent pattern of anti-Israel rhetoric and behavior by South Africa and specifically by the ruling African National Congress (ANC). The report focuses on the nature of South Africa’s strategic ties with Iran, Qatar, and Hamas, as well as the problematic political and financial backing of the country’s ICJ case by Iran, Qatar, and political entities such as the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP). Given the obstacles the South African government faced in bringing such a complex legal case, this report examines the anti-democratic and terror organizations that the South African government partnered with in order to advance this anti-Israel and overtly antisemitic project. A case study examining the members and advisors of South Africa’s legal team at the ICJ provides additional insight into the bias, antisemitism, and even terrorist sympathies of the individuals and entities involved, including Law for Palestine (L4P) and Shawan Jabarin. In addition, the report examines the expansion and influence of radical Islamism in South Africa and their close relations with the ANC today. All this demonstrates the extent to which the South African government has discredited itself through political and financial corruption, thus proving that it is in no position to act as an agent of justice at the ICJ.
In this report, we demonstrate the existence of a substantial collaboration between Yale University and Qatar, both at institutional level and among university staff. However, contrary to federal law, many of the partnership transactions do not appear in Yale’s financial statements nor in the Department of Education (DOE) reporting system.
For several years, ISGAP has collated evidence of Qatari funding to institutions of higher education in the United States, including Yale University. Some of this funding is not reported, as required by federal law.
In 2019, ISGAP initially exposed that U.S. universities were not declaring funds received from Qatar and other foreign sources, the Department of Education (DOE) opened a federal investigation. In the framework of this investigation, each offending university was reprimanded, warned, and instructed that it must declare its funding sources or face consequences.
Our research reveals that Yale University has only declared one grant from Qatar since 2012, in the amount of just $284,668, yet we estimate that it has received approximately $15,925,711 during this time. It is difficult to ascertain the exact amount, as Yale does not disclose all its foreign funding. This despite that fact that, by law and according to the ethics guides of most major universities, all agreements, contracts, MOUs, and service-in-kind arrangements should be made public.
Columbia University is the oldest institution of higher education in New York, and the fifth oldest in the United States. Today, it is one of the world’s leading research institutions.[1] Joint degree programs are available through Union Theological Seminary, the Jewish Theological Seminary of America and the Juilliard School, whilst Teachers College and Barnard College are official faculties of the university. Columbia University has additionally been at the forefront of an explosion of antisemitism on North American campuses since Hamas’s October 7 terrorist attack on Israel in which some 1,200 people were murdered and over 240 people were taken hostage.
Students and faculty at Columbia University have openly praised the terrorist attack by Hamas and have contributed to an environment at Columbia University in which Jewish students and staff do not feel safe. Two lawsuits have been filed against Columbia University and a Congressional hearing has been held concerning its failure to protect its Jewish constituents amid rising campus antisemitism.
Despite receiving large amounts of funding from Qatar over the years, Columbia University has not reported any of this funding to the Department of Education (DOE). Moreover, there have been no references to connections between Columbia University and Qatar or Qatari entities in its financial statements.
ISGAP, in October 2019, released a comprehensive report entitled, “The Contextualization of the National Students for Justice in Palestine (NSJP).” The report exposed the antisemitic roots of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) and its direct connection to the ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood. In addition to providing conclusive evidence for this, the report also examined SJP’s connections to organizations that support or previously supported violence and terror.
Following the Hamas terror attack on October 7, 2023, and the subsequent explosion of antisemitism on university campuses, especially in North America, led by SJP, this report provides an updated assessment of the activities of both SJP and its umbrella organization, National Students for Justice in Palestine (NSJP).
The Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy (ISGAP) released new research uncovering previously unknown revelations about the flow of funds from Qatari foundations into Cornell University. The findings shed light on previously undisclosed channels through which billions of dollars have been directed to Cornell, raising significant concerns about transparency and foreign influence.
The research exposes the staggering scale of Qatari funding to Cornell, with over $1.95 billion USD donated directly to the university from 2001 to 2023. This makes Qatar the largest direct foreign donor to the university, some 30 times higher than the next largest, Hong Kong, which has donated just $69 million USD since 1995. The report also includes findings showing that Qatar donated a further 7.9 billion USD to the Sidra Hospital in Doha, which is partly operated by Cornell and is a crucial component of the Cornell Weill School of Medicine – Qatar.
The findings specifically shed light on the significant influence of Qatari state proxies, such as Qatar Foundation and Qatar National Research Fund. These entities are used to mask direct Qatari government investment in US universities, as part of Qatar’s soft power strategy of buying its influence in the West. ISGAP’s research shows that the Qatari Emir and the Qatari government are directly behind the industry funneling billions of dollars into leading American universities such as Texas A&M, Georgetown, Cornell, Carnegie Mellon, Northwestern, Virginia Commonwealth and others.
The report shows that the Qatar Foundation/Qatar National Research Fund, the Hamad Medical Corporation, and the Supreme Committee for Delivery & Legacy stand out as the primary contributors to Cornell University. Specifically, the Qatar Foundation/Qatar National Research Fund jointly contributed a total of $1,946,768,020 USD, in addition, Hamad Medical Corporation provided $1,057,161 USD, and the Supreme Committee for Delivery & Legacy donated $4,174,819 USD.
The Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy (ISGAP) report published in November 2023 entitled “Hijacking Higher Education, Qatar, The Muslim Brotherhood, and Texas A&M,” uncovered that more than a billion US dollars had been provided to Texas A&M (TAMU)/ Texas A&M in Qatar (TAMUQ) by the Qatar Foundation, a Qatari regime-owned foundation, as part of a contractual agreement to pay for research projects. The 2023 ISGAP Report highlights several concerns pertaining to sensitive research projects, some of which could have the potential for dual use, and potential contribution to the development (indirect or direct) of military applications.
In addition, the Qatar Foundation (QF) TAMU contract extraordinarily stipulates that Qatari state proxies own the intellectual property for the research projects, which is not conventional practice. In addition, according to the agreement, the Qatari Regime, based on the contract with Texas A&M, has access to sensitive student information, which could violate acceptable United States (US) practices.
On December 5, 2023 – U.S. House of Representatives committee members asked the presidents of three prestigious universities in the United States about the funding that they received from Qatar. The impression given by most of them was that their Qatari funding is not coming from the state. This answer is a partial truth as billions of U.S. dollars are going to them via Qatari State-owned NGO’s and commercial entities!
ISGAP’s Follow The Money project previous reports have laid out the following:
This report lays out the way that Qatar is operating a war-chest with between $500 Billion – $1 Trillion USD of assets and growing, to affect soft power in the west – including the U.S.’ prestigious universities.
The report examines the main Qatari institutions, their investments, the amounts of money and how it is being funneled directly into U.S. universities by using Qatari state-owned NGO’s such as The Qatar Foundation as well as other methods of transferring funds without reporting to either to the Department of Education or the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA).
In the report, ISGAP examines the following sectors:
For the first time, the mechanisms and figures are laid out in one comprehensive report.
يوضح تقرير معهد دراسات معاداة السامية والسياسات الدولية (ISGAP) كيف توجه دولة قطر الأموال عن طريق وكلائها إلى الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية وإلى أوروبا وباقي بلدان العالم.
في الخامس من ديسمبر 2023، طلب أعضاء لجنة مجلس النواب الأمريكي من رؤساء ثلاث جامعات مرموقة في الولايات المتحدة معرفة مصدر المبالغ التي تلقوها من قطر. وقد أعطى معظمهم انطباعًا بأن التمويل القطري الذي يتلقونه لا يأتي من الدولة. وهذا الجواب في حد ذاته تُمثل حقيقة جزئية، حيث يتم تحويل مليارات الدولارات إليهم عبر منظمات غير حكومية وكيانات تجارية تملكها الدولة القطرية!
لقد كشفت تقارير ISGAP السابقة المتعلقة بمشروع تتبع الأموال (Follow the money) كون:
يوضح هذا التقرير الكيفية التي تدير بها قطر خزانة حربية تتراوح قيمتها بين 500 مليار دولار و1 تريليون دولار أمريكي من الأصول التي تتزايد، بهدف التأثير على النفوذ الناعم في الغرب – بما في ذلك الجامعات الأمريكية المرموقة.
تتناول الترجمة العربية لهذا التقرير الجهات الرئيسية في قطر، واستثماراتها، ومبالغ الأموال وكيفية توجيهها مباشرة إلى الجامعات الأمريكية باستخدام منظمات غير حكومية تابعة للدولة القطرية مثل مؤسسة قطر (FARA)، بالإضافة إلى طرق أخرى لتحويل الأموال دون الإبلاغ عنها إلى إدارة التعليم أو قانون تسجيل وكلاء الأجانب.
وضمن هذا التقرير يسعى معهد ISGAP إلى فحص القطاعات التالية:
ولأول مرة، يتم توضيح الآليات والأرقام في تقرير واحد وشامل.
On December 5, 2023 – U.S. House of Representatives committee members asked the presidents of three prestigious universities in the United States about the funding that they received from Qatar. The impression given by most of them was that their Qatari funding is not coming from the state. This answer is a partial truth as billions of U.S. dollars are going to them via Qatari State-owned NGO’s and commercial entities!
ISGAP’s Follow The Money project previous reports have laid out the following:
This report lays out the way that Qatar is operating a war-chest with between $500 Billion – $1 Trillion USD of assets and growing, to affect soft power in the west – including the U.S.’ prestigious universities.
The French Translation of this report examines the main Qatari institutions, their investments, the amounts of money and how it is being funneled directly into U.S. universities by using Qatari state-owned NGO’s such as The Qatar Foundation as well as other methods of transferring funds without reporting to either to the Department of Education or the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA).
In the report, ISGAP examines the following sectors:
For the first time, the mechanisms and figures are laid out in one comprehensive report.
On December 5, 2023 – U.S. House of Representatives committee members asked the presidents of three prestigious universities in the United States about the funding that they received from Qatar. The impression given by most of them was that their Qatari funding is not coming from the state. This answer is a partial truth as billions of U.S. dollars are going to them via Qatari State-owned NGO’s and commercial entities!
ISGAP’s Follow The Money project previous reports have laid out the following:
This report lays out the way that Qatar is operating a war-chest with between $500 Billion – $1 Trillion USD of assets and growing, to affect soft power in the west – including the U.S.’ prestigious universities.
The Arabic Translation of this report examines the main Qatari institutions, their investments, the amounts of money and how it is being funneled directly into U.S. universities by using Qatari state-owned NGO’s such as The Qatar Foundation as well as other methods of transferring funds without reporting to either to the Department of Education or the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA).
In the report, ISGAP examines the following sectors:
For the first time, the mechanisms and figures are laid out in one comprehensive report in Spanish.
ISGAP believes that this warrants further federal intervention.
These findings — in combination with ISGAP’s mapping of the Muslim Brotherhood (Islamist)/Qatar network in U.S. universities, the documentation of changing discourse in higher education pertaining to Jewish people, Israel and Zionism, and its connection to funds — all point to a context that is increasingly hostile to Jewish students and faculty. This report argues that these factors play a significant role in the current explosion of antisemitism.
ISGAP’s report was featured today in Tablet Magazine: “What Yale Has in Common With Hamas” can be read here.
The report details Qatar’s ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and terrorist groups such as Hamas and the Taliban and reveals why unrestricted access to Texas A&M University Qatar’s (TAMUQ) sensitive research poses an alarming national security risk to the United States.
Texas A&M is a public university leading state-of-the-art nuclear research with potential weapons applications. It has access to research nuclear reactors and maintains advanced projects in sensitive areas such as biotechnology, cybersecurity, robotics, and artificial intelligence. The Texas A&M Qatar campus was established in 2003 through a confidential agreement between Texas A&M and the Qatari Government-funded Qatar Foundation for Education, Science, and Community Development.
The Report details the problematic nature of the agreement between the Qatar Foundation and Texas A&M:
Through an analysis on Texas A&M Qatar’s grants, ISGAP identified over 500 Qatari-funded projects, with an average award amount of approximately $1 million USD, with maximum grants up to $5 million USD, some of which going to highly sensitive research areas.
Qatar’s significant control over Texas A&M’s research poses serious questions.
The sweeping terms of this agreement make it possible for Qatar to proliferate dual-use sciences and compromise US national security.
The French translation of the report details Qatar’s ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and terrorist groups such as Hamas and the Taliban and reveals why unrestricted access to Texas A&M University Qatar’s (TAMUQ) sensitive research poses an alarming national security risk to the United States.
Texas A&M is a public university leading state-of-the-art nuclear research with potential weapons applications. It has access to research nuclear reactors and maintains advanced projects in sensitive areas such as biotechnology, cybersecurity, robotics, and artificial intelligence. The Texas A&M Qatar campus was established in 2003 through a confidential agreement between Texas A&M and the Qatari Government-funded Qatar Foundation for Education, Science, and Community Development.
The Report details the problematic nature of the agreement between the Qatar Foundation and Texas A&M:
Through an analysis on Texas A&M Qatar’s grants, ISGAP identified over 500 Qatari-funded projects, with an average award amount of approximately $1 million USD, with maximum grants up to $5 million USD, some of which going to highly sensitive research areas.
Qatar’s significant control over Texas A&M’s research poses serious questions.
The sweeping terms of this agreement make it possible for Qatar to proliferate dual-use sciences and compromise US national security.
The Spanish translation of the report details Qatar’s ties to the Muslim Brotherhood and terrorist groups such as Hamas and the Taliban and reveals why unrestricted access to Texas A&M University Qatar’s (TAMUQ) sensitive research poses an alarming national security risk to the United States.
Texas A&M is a public university leading state-of-the-art nuclear research with potential weapons applications. It has access to research nuclear reactors and maintains advanced projects in sensitive areas such as biotechnology, cybersecurity, robotics, and artificial intelligence. The Texas A&M Qatar campus was established in 2003 through a confidential agreement between Texas A&M and the Qatari Government-funded Qatar Foundation for Education, Science, and Community Development.
The Report details the problematic nature of the agreement between the Qatar Foundation and Texas A&M:
Through an analysis on Texas A&M Qatar’s grants, ISGAP identified over 500 Qatari-funded projects, with an average award amount of approximately $1 million USD, with maximum grants up to $5 million USD, some of which going to highly sensitive research areas.
Qatar’s significant control over Texas A&M’s research poses serious questions.
The sweeping terms of this agreement make it possible for Qatar to proliferate dual-use sciences and compromise US national security.
The Qatari Regime, Hamas, and the Muslim Brotherhood” report is part of a series of papers that is part of the ISGAP research project entitled “Follow the Money”. This 11-year project exposes a cause of antisemitism, rather than a symptom, which the Jewish community and Higher Education have been grappling with for years.
To truly understand Hamas, one needs to understand the Islamist ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood and its connection to and support from Qatar as well as to Hamas and other Islamist entities.
The Muslim Brotherhood ideology is committed to the destruction of the State of Israel and the murder of Jewish people around the world, including the United States, Canada, Europe and beyond and is intertwined within the Qatari infrastructure and civil society.
This report lays out the history and the ideological tenets of the Muslim brotherhood as well as its relationship and connections to Hamas and Qatar.
العلاقات بين النظام القطري وحركة حماس والإخوان المسلمين:
إن الترجمة العربية لتقرير “النظام القطري، حماس، وجماعة الإخوان المسلمين” يعد جزءا من سلسلة الأوراق التي تندرج ضمن مشروع بحثي لمعهد ISGAP يتعلق بتتبع الأموال “Follow the money”. فهذا المشروع الذي امتد طيلة 11 سنة يكشف عن سبب معاداة السامية وليس أعراضها التي انشغل المجتمع اليهودي والتعليم العالي في محاربتها لعدة سنوات.
ولكي نتمكن من فهم حماس فلابد للمرء أن يفهم الأيديولوجية الإسلامية لجماعة الاخوان المسلمين وارتباطها بقطر وحصولها على الدعم منها ولصالح حركة حماس ومختلف الجماعات الإسلامية الأخرى.
تشتغل أيديولوجية الإخوان المسلمين من أجل تدمير إسرائيل واضطهاد الشعب اليهودي في مختلف أنحاء العالم بما في ذلك الولايات المتحدة وكندا وأوروبا وغيرها من البلدان، وأن هذا الفكر الأيديولوجي متشابك بشكل وثيق مع البنية التحتية القطرية ومجتمعها المدني.
يحاول هذا التقرير أن يوضح تاريخ والمبادئ الأيديولوجية للإخوان المسلمين بالإضافة إلى علاقاتها وارتباطاتها مع حركة حماس ومع قطر.
The French translation of the “The Qatari Regime, Hamas, and the Muslim Brotherhood” report is part of a series of papers that is part of the ISGAP research project entitled “Follow the Money”. This 11-year project exposes a cause of antisemitism, rather than a symptom, which the Jewish community and Higher Education have been grappling with for years.
To truly understand Hamas, one needs to understand the Islamist ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood and its connection to and support from Qatar as well as to Hamas and other Islamist entities.
The Muslim Brotherhood ideology is committed to the destruction of the State of Israel and the murder of Jewish people around the world, including the United States, Canada, Europe and beyond and is intertwined within the Qatari infrastructure and civil society.
This report lays out the history and the ideological tenets of the Muslim brotherhood as well as its relationship and connections to Hamas and Qatar.
The Spanish translation of the “The Qatari Regime, Hamas, and the Muslim Brotherhood” report is part of a series of papers that is part of the ISGAP research project entitled “Follow the Money”. This 11-year project exposes a cause of antisemitism, rather than a symptom, which the Jewish community and Higher Education have been grappling with for years.
To truly understand Hamas, one needs to understand the Islamist ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood and its connection to and support from Qatar as well as to Hamas and other Islamist entities.
The Muslim Brotherhood ideology is committed to the destruction of the State of Israel and the murder of Jewish people around the world, including the United States, Canada, Europe and beyond and is intertwined within the Qatari infrastructure and civil society.
This report lays out the history and the ideological tenets of the Muslim brotherhood as well as its relationship and connections to Hamas and Qatar.
Over the last decade, institutions of higher education across the United States of America received billions of dollars from foreign donors that were not reported to the U.S. Department of Education, as required. The U.S. Department of Education required that those institutions file reports detailing how much such funding they received and from where.
Using the information that ISGAP uncovered and via other sources that are publicly available, ISGAP commissioned the Network Contagion Research Institute (NCRI) to examine the correlation between this funding and the deterioration of liberal democratic norms around free speech and academic freedom, as well as antisemitism on campus.
As part of the ISGAP Follow the Money research project, we found that: