Watch Dr. Charles Small’s Opening Keynote Address at the Muslim World League

Dr. Charles Asher Small, Opening Keynote Address, Muslim World League
ISGAP Welcomes Natan Sharansky as Chair

The Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy is honored to announce Natan Sharansky as the new Chair of ISGAP, effective immediately. Abraham H. Foxman, on behalf of the ISGAP Board of Directors, “I welcome Natan Sharansky as Chair of ISGAP. He brings leadership in human rights at the political and intellectual level […]
Watch Noah Rosenfield on his experience at the 2019 ISGAP-Oxford Summer Institute

Click the video link below to watch an interview with Noah Rosenfield, an Elie Wiesel – Martin Luther King Jr. Scholar at the 2019 ISGAP-Oxford Summer Institute. Noah Rosenfield Interview – Oxford 2019
Poway Shooting and Rising Antisemitic Discourse in the U.S. – Fox News Interview

Click here to watch the Fox News interview (From San Diego, CA) ISGAP, the Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy, condemns the deadly white supremacist attack on the Chabad Synagogue in Poway, a peaceful suburb of San Diego. All of us at ISGAP pray for the victims of the horrific hate crime. We […]
“The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” PLO Ambassador to Chile, Mr. Imad Nabil Jada’a

The following, in English translation, is the text of the accompanying video of the speech by Ambassador Nabil Jada’a to the Conference for Peace in Palestine and Israel on May 15, 2015 in Santiago, Chile.
Daniel Sibony, “The Antisemitic Enigma”
[vimeo 128601772 w=580&h=320] Jan. 28 “The Antisemitic Enigma” Daniel Sibony, Writer, psychoanalyst, professor Discussant: Joelle Allouche-Benayoun, GSRL/CNRS, Elie Wiesel Institute Location: EPHE, Room 123 Time: 6:00-8:00 PM
Shalem Coulibaly, “Acephalic Terrorism, Antisemitism and Afro-Europeans”
Feb. 4 “Acephalic Terrorism, Antisemitism and Afro-Europeans” Dr. Shalem Coulibaly, Senior Research Fellow ISGAP, New York Discussant: Nicole Lapierre, Research Director Emerita, CNRS, Edgar Morin Center Location: EPHE, Room 115 Time: 6:00-8:00 PM
Gunther Jikeli, “Antisemitism of Young Muslims”
Apr. 13 “Antisemitism of Young Muslims” Gunther Jikeli, MMZ, GSRL, ISGAP Discussant: Steven Uran CEM, Research Fellow, CESTA, Stanford University Location: EPHE, Room 115 Time: 6:00-8:00 PM
Jacques Tarnero, “From Compassion for the Jews to Condemnation of Israel”
Mar. 19 “From Compassion for the Jews to Condemnation of Israel” Jacques Tarnero Researcher, Cité des sciences et de l’industrie (Paris) and French documentary maker Discussant: Rita Hermon-Belot, EHESS, CEIFR Location: EPHE, Room 117 Time: 6:00-8:00 PM
Foreign Fighters: The Challenge of Jihadists 3.0

By Yehudit Barsky – Three recent European terror attacks signal an alarming shift in the methods of foreign fighter training and indoctrination. They represent a third wave of terrorist preparation and call for new methods for dealing with them.