Category: Highlights

Now Available – The ISGAP Papers: Antisemitism In Comparative Perspective – Volume Two

The ISGAP Papers: Antisemitism In Comparative Perspective – Volume Two, covers topics that have important implications for our understanding of contemporary antisemitism, and our efforts to combat this enduring hatred. Click here to view the contents.

Dr. Charles Asher Small, Executive Director, ISGAP, The 2017 State of Antisemitism Address – “New Trends in the USA and Around the World”

The 2017 State of Antisemitism Address – “New Trends in the USA and Around the World” Mar. 19, The 2017 State of Antisemitism Address – “New Trends in the USA and Around the World” Dr. Charles Asher Small, Executive Director, ISGAP; The Marilyn Svach Memorial Lecture. Location: Temple Sinai, 208 Summit Avenue, Summit NJ 07901 […]

Dr. Glen Feder, Director of ISGAP France and Greece, discusses ongoing problem of antisemitism on i24 news

On February 21, 2017,  two young jews wearing kippas were spotted in their car in Bondy, France, driven off the road, and savagely attacked. Dr. Glen Feder, Director of ISGAP France and Greece, discusses the incident on i24 news. While official statistics now show a decrease in antisemitism in France from 2014-2016, Dr. Feder emphasizes […]

ISGAP participates in the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights antisemitism survey meeting in Vienna

  Dr. Charles Asher Small represented ISGAP as a selected stakeholder in a pivotal antisemitism survey meeting hosted by the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA). In 2012 FRA carried out a large-scale survey on Jewish people’s experiences and perceptions of antisemitism in nine European Union Member States. The private gathering on March 6-7 […]

Dr. Charles Asher Small, Executive Director, ISGAP, interviewed on Canadian Radio

Dr. Small was interviewed on Corus Radio with host, Danielle Smith, News Talk 770, located in Alberta, Canada. They discussed the resurgence of antisemitism in North America and Europe. Listen to the interview here

ISGAP Europe co-organizes and co-sponsors the International Conference on Islam and Antisemitism, University of Vienna, Austria

The Conference took place from November 7-8, 2016, and was also sponsored by the Kantor Center for the Study of Contemporary European Jewry. Leading scholars at the Conference included Professor Reuven Firestone, Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion, Los Angeles, and Professor Jane S. Gerber, City University of New York. The important proceedings will be […]

Dr. Charles Asher Small represents ISGAP at Moscow International Conference on Combating Antisemitism

Dr. Small met with leaders in Moscow to discuss levels of antisemitism in the Russian Federation on November 2, 2016. One of the first international conferences on antisemitism to ever occur in Russia, the event was sponsored by the Russian Jewish Congress and World Jewish Congress.   Top leaders at the Moscow International Conference included […]

On the 75th Anniversary of the Babi Yar Massacre, Maj.-Gen. (Ret.) Yaakov Amidror speaks at ISGAP-Kiev, Ukraine

A special ISGAP-Kiev, Ukraine seminar took place on Tuesday, September 27, 2016. The occasion featured Major General Yaakov Amidror, who served as the National Security Advisor to the Prime Minister of Israel and was head of the National Security Council, from 2011 to 2013. His presentation was entitled:    “The War against the Jewish State: Countries, Terror […]

Dr. Glen Feder, Director, ISGAP France, on the Legacy of Shimon Peres

Dr. Glen Feder, Director of ISGAP France, was featured on France 24 English, where he discussed the legacy of Shimon Peres who recently passed away at 93. In the two part video below, you can hear more about Shimon Peres’ signing of the Oslo Accords, his roles as three-time prime minister and president in Israel, and […]

ISGAP Initiates Expert Consultation on Measuring Antisemitism

Leading scholars, experts and practitioners from Europe, North America and Israel held a closed meeting in Paris, to confront the question of how to build an effective multi-layered “tool” to measure antisemitism effectively. Please view the press release from the proceedings below. MEASURING ANITSEMITISM: EXPERT MEETING As more governments are accepting responsibility for monitoring and collecting data on […]