The Terror Attack at the Pulse Club in Orlando
Too many similarities and some differences mark the terror attack in Tel Aviv on June 8 and the terror attack in Orlando on June 12. In Tel Aviv, two cousins inspired by hateful incitement blended into the crowd with a mission to kill as many civilians as possible. They used improvised weapons (Carl Gustav) and […]
Professor Arnie Dashefsky “American Antisemitism, Grounds for Optimism or Pessimism?”

“American Antisemitism: Grounds for Optimism or Pessimism?” Seminar Series: Antisemitism in Comparative Perspective Professor Arnie Dashefsky Director, Center for Judaic Studies and Contemporary Jewish Life Department of Sociology, University of Connecticut Tuesday, April 21, 2015, 7PM Harvard Faculty Club, Room 4 Harvard University
Professor Arnie Dashefsky “American Antisemitism, Grounds for Optimism or Pessimism?”

Seminar Series: Antisemitism in Comparative Perspective “American Antisemitism: Grounds for Optimism or Pessimism?” Professor Arnie Dashefsky Director, Center for Judaic Studies and Contemporary Jewish Life Department of Sociology, University of Connecticut Tuesday, April 21, 2015, 7PM Harvard Faculty Club, Room 4 Harvard University
2014-2015 Newsletter Volume 6 No. 3

The Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy
Volume 6 No. 3
22 August 2014
Cartoon courtesy of Legal Insurrection, as seen on
Violence Erupts When You Tolerate Antisemitism

April 14, 2014- Sunday’s shooting reminds us that violence, genocide, and even the Holocaust, begins with words. We must respond powerfully to shouts of “Heil Hitler” in Kansas. “Heil Hitler” was screamed by 73-year-old Frazier Glenn Cross, aka Frazier Glenn Miller, the former “grand dragon” of the Carolina Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, when […]
Thomas Hochmann – “Holocaust Denial and Freedom of Speech after United States v. Alvarez”

Lecture: Holocaust Denial and Freedom of Speech after United States v. Alvarez Speaker: Thomas Hochmann, Associate Professor of Public Law at University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne and Associate Member of the Perelman Centre for Legal Philosophy (Brussels) Date: October 31,2012 Location: Harvard Law School
US Foreign Policy and the Rise of Islamism: The Abandonment of Human Rights and Democratic Principles? A Colloquium

Lecture: US Foreign Policy and the Rise of Islamism: The Abandonment of Human Rights and Democratic Principles? A Colloquium Speakers: Russell Berman, Walter A. Haas Professor in the Humanities at Stanford University and Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution Boaz Ganor, Ronald Lauder Chair for Counter-Terrorism at The Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) at Herzliya and Founder […]
Alexander Tsesis – “Free Speech and Antisemitism: Comparative Approaches to Antisemitic Speech in the United States and Europe”

Lecture: Free Speech and Antisemitism: Comparative Approaches to Antisemitic Speech in the United States and Europe Speaker: Alexander Tsesis, Associate Professor of Law at Loyola University-Chicago Location: Fordham University Date: October 18, 2012
Stephen Norwood “Legitimating Nazism: American Universities and the Third Reich”

Title: Legitimating Nazism: American Universities and the Third Reich Speaker: Professor Stephen Norwood, History, The University of Oklahoma Date: Thursday, February 24, 2011 Location: The Yale Initiative for the Interdisciplinary Study of Antisemitism (YIISA), Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut
David Menashri – “Iran, the Middle East and the USA Following the Presidential Elections: A View From Jerusalem”

Title: “Iran, the Middle East and the USA Following the Presidential Elections: A View From Jerusalem” Speaker: Professor David Menashri, Director, Center for Iranian Studies, Tel Aviv University Date: Monday, November 16, 2009 YIISA/ISGAP Antisemitism in Comparative Perspective Seminar Series