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An independent publishing consultancy has been commissioned to find out the best ways for research organizations like ISGAP to publish and communicate our work – from conferences, seminars, speeches in the form of both books and journals. We are very keen to canvass a wide range of views from researchers, funders, teachers, students and interested […]

ISGAP is pleased to announce that we are currently accepting applications for our Research Fellowship Programme, in critical contemporary antisemitism studies. Scholars, senior or junior, with a research interest in the interdisciplinary study of contemporary antisemitism, and related fields of racism, gender, nationalism, xenophobia, extremism, and extremist social movements, as well as social and cultural […]
Curriculum Presentations and Dr. Charles Asher Small’s Closing Remarks, 2020 ISGAP-Oxford Summer Institute

Curriculum Presentations and Dr. Charles Asher Small’s Closing Remarks Ambassadors for the Interdisciplinary Study of Antisemitism: Ways Forward Dr. Charles Asher Small, Executive Director, ISGAP; Research Scholar, St. Antony’s College, Oxford 2020 ISGAP-Oxford Summer Institute Date: Thursday, August 13, 2020
Dr. Charles Asher Small – “The Threat of Contemporary Global Antisemitism: A Response to the Demonization and Incitement Against the Jewish People and Israel within the Academy”

Forum Title: “After Genocide: What is the role of researchers – Kigali International Forum on Genocide” Speakers: Charles Asher Small, Director of ISGAP and Koret Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University Professor Bea Rangira Gallimore, University of Missouri and Author Tom Ndahiro, Genocide Scholar Professor Gregory H. Stanton, George Mason University Date: April 4, 2013 Location: […]