The Tirana Conference on Antisemitism: Bringing Governments Together to Review their Commitments
The Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) undertook to combat antisemitism following a Ministerial level conference hosted by the German Government in 2004. Since then almost every succeeding chairmanship has held a conference on the subject to revise and update commitments, on an annual basis. These have included agreements to monitor antisemitism, train […]

ISGAP Executive Director Charles Asher Small addressed the conference, organized under the auspices of the Government of Italy, which took place in commemoration of International Holocaust Remembrance Day. He was also part of a delegation that met with Pope Francis at the Vatican. Click here to view Dr. Small’s lecture.
Economic Trade vs Democratic Principles: The Necessity of the EU to Confront Iranian Expansionism and Antisemitism

Jan. 29, “Economic Trade vs Democratic Principles: The Necessity of the EU to Confront Iranian Expansionism and Antisemitism” Dr. Charles Asher Small, Executive Director, ISGAP OSCE International Conference on the Responsibility of States, Institutions and Individuals in the Fight Against Antisemitism Rome, Italy Date: January 29, 2018
ISGAP to Address OSCE on Looming Threat of Antisemitism

ISGAP Executive Director Charles Asher Small will represent ISGAP in Warsaw, Poland at the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) this September, 2016. At the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, Dr. Small will address OSCE officials on the looming threat of antisemitism and how contemporary antisemitism is connected directly with security […]
Gert Weisskirchen – “Growing Fears, Mixed Experiences, Weak Hopes, the Fight Against Antisemitism is still Necessary”

Lecture: Growing Fears, Mixed Experiences, Weak Hopes, the Fight Against Antisemitism is still Necessary Speaker: Professor Gert Weisskirchen, Personal Representative of the Chairman-in-Office of the OSCE on Combating Antisemitism, Spokesman on Foreign Affairs for the SPD Group OSCE Date: April 17, 2008 YIISA/ISGAP Antisemitism in Comparative Perspective Seminar Series