Jewish Communities in South East Asia – Singapore, Vietnam, Thailand, and Myanmar

“Jewish Communities in South East Asia – Singapore, Vietnam, Thailand, and Myanmar”, East and Southeast Asia in Contemporary Antisemitism International Seminar Series Dr. Meron Medzini, Professor Emeritus, Department of Asian Studies, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel Conveners: Dr. Mary J. Ainslie, Associate Professor, University of Nottingham Ningbo, Ningbo, China; and, Professor Navras Aafreedi, […]
Instances of Antisemitism in the Indian Urdu Press

29 Apr., “Instances of Antisemitism in the Indian Urdu Press” Dr. Md. Muddassir Quamar, Associate Fellow, Manohar Parrikar Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, New Delhi, India Convener: Dr. Navras J. Aafreedi, Research Fellow, ISGAP Date: Thursday, April 29, 2021 Antisemitism in South Asia in Comparative Perspective
Jews in Afghanistan: An Historical Perspective

22 Apr., “Jews in Afghanistan: An Historical Perspective” Dr. Farid Younos, Retired Lecturer, College of Letters, Arts and Social Sciences, California State University, East Bay and author of Principles of Islamic Psychology (2017), and other works. Convener: Dr. Navras J. Aafreedi, Research Fellow, ISGAP Antisemitism in South Asia in Comparative Perspective International Seminar Series Date: […]
The Unnoticed Antisemitism in India

8 Apr., “The Unnoticed Antisemitism in India” Dr. Navras J. Aafreedi, Research Fellow, ISGAP; Assistant Professor of History, Presidency University, Kolkata Antisemitism in South Asia in Comparative Perspective International Seminar Series Date: Thursday, April 8, 2021
The Israelite Origin of the Pashtuns and its Contemporary Ramifications
18 Apr., “The Israelite Origin of the Pashtuns (or Pathans or Pakhtuns) of Afghanistan, Pakistan, and India: The Tradition and its Contemporary Ramifications” Dr. Navras Aafreedi, Assistant Professor, Department of History, Presidency University, Kolkata, India; Research Fellow, ISGAP Time: 1:00PM EST Date: Sunday, April 18, 2021 Kulanu Canada Event. Register here.
The Only Urdu Poem on the Holocaust and its Author
In September-October 2009, a Holocaust films retrospective was held in Lucknow in Uttar Pradesh, India. The event was significant because of several reasons: it was the first-ever Holocaust films retrospective in South Asia. It ran for fourteen days, during which forty-six films were screened, seen by four thousand people at the two biggest universities in […]
Jews in Afghanistan: An Historical Perspective
22 Apr., “Jews in Afghanistan: An Historical Perspective” Dr. Farid Younos, Retired Lecturer, College of Letters, Arts and Social Sciences, California State University, East Bay and author of Principles of Islamic Psychology (2017), and other works. Convener: Dr. Navras J. Aafreedi, Research Fellow, ISGAP Date: Thursday, April 22, 2021 Time: 9:00 AM Eastern Time Click here to register […]
How Antisemitic is South Asian Antisemitism?

18 Feb., “How Antisemitic is South Asian Antisemitism?” Dr. Richard Benkin, U.S.-based Zionist and Human Rights Activist Convener: Dr. Navras J. Aafreedi, Research Fellow, ISGAP Date: Thursday, February 18, 2021
Antisemitism and the Qu’ran

“Antisemitism and the Qu’ran” Professor Reuven Firestone, Regenstein Professor in Medieval Judaism and Islam, Hebrew Union College, Los Angeles; Affiliate Professor of Religion, University of Southern California Convener: Dr. Navras J. Aafreedi, Research Fellow, ISGAP Antisemitism in South Asia in Comparative Perspective International Seminar Series Date: Thursday, February 11, 2021
Jews and Muslims in India and Pakistan: Their Attitudes Toward Each Other
Feb. 21, “Jews and Muslims in India and Pakistan: Their Attitudes Towards Each Other” Dr. Navras Aafreedi, Assistant Professor, Department of History, Presidency University, Kolkata, India; Research Fellow, ISGAP Congregation Nishmat Am, Adult Education Premier Speaker Series Date: Sunday, February 21 Time: 12:00 PM EST Zoom Meeting ID: 873 1463 7838 Zoom Passcode: NMAPS3 No reservations […]