Natan Sharansky for Tablet Magazine: “Never Again is Now”

Read the full article on the Tablet Magazine Website here. BY NATAN SHARANSKY – OCTOBER 31, 2023 “Even the presidents of leading universities—unlike the president of the United States—have refused to denounce Hamas’s evil, speaking instead about violence on both sides. Those who protest microaggressions are unable or unwilling to differentiate between the most awful […]
Recording Available – Sharansky War Briefing: “Friends and Enemies in the Time of War”

12 Oct., “Friends and Enemies in the Time of War” Natan Sharansky, Chair of ISGAP Date: Thursday 12 October 2023, at 10 AM EST | 3 PM BST | 5 PM IST ISGAP Chair, Natan Sharansky discussed the developments in Israel. Mr. Sharansky is the recipient of the Congressional Medal of Honor and the Presidential […]
Statement by ISGAP Chair Natan Sharansky on Russian forces bombing Babyn Yar Holocaust Memorial Site

STATEMENT BY ISGAP CHAIR NATAN SHARANSKY ON RUSSIAN FORCES BOMBING OF BABYN YAR HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL SITE BYHMC Advisory Board Chair Natan Sharansky: “Putin’s decision to distort and manipulate the Holocaust to justify an illegal invasion of a sovereign democratic country is utterly abhorrent. It is symbolic that he starts attacking Kyiv by bombing the […]
Fighting the Soviet Forces from Within: Democracy is not always a Choice, but Freedom is
Apr. 12, “Fighting the Soviet Forces from Within: Democracy is not always a Choice, but Freedom is” Natan Sharansky, Chair, ISGAP Cosponsor: Palm Beach Synagogue Date: Tuesday, April 12, 2022 Time: 1:00 PM EST Click here to register.
ISGAP Conference: Contemporary Jewry in Sub-Saharan Africa Symposium, The Voices of Jewish-African Leaders
On 11 April 2022 at 10 AM EDT / 11 PM BST / 1 PM IDT TO REGISTER FOR THE CONFERENCE CLICK HERE Throughout much of Africa, during the past fifty years, there has been a re-emergence of ancient Jewish communities, and a surge of new Jewish communities, both with increasing populations. These communities, and their […]
Israel, American Weakness and the Russian Invasion of Ukraine
22 Mar., “Israel, American Weakness and the Russian Invasion of Ukraine” Natan Sharansky, Chair, ISGAP; Chair, International Supervisory Board, Babyn Yar Holocaust Memorial Center, Kyiv, Ukraine Convener: Dr. Charles Asher Small, Executive Director, ISGAP; Director, ISGAP-Woolf Institute Fellowship Training Programme on Critical Antisemitism Studies, Cambridge, United Kingdom Date: Tuesday, March 22, 2022 Time: 2:30 PM […]
2021 ISGAP-Oxford Summer Institute
Day One Highlights: 2021 ISGAP-Oxford Summer Institute

ISGAP-Oxford Summer Institute for Curriculum Development in Critical Antisemitism Studies Day One Highlights Date: Sunday, August 1, 2021 Natan Sharansky, Chair, ISGAP; 2020 Genesis Prize Laureate; Former Chairman of the Jewish Agency, Jerusalem Israel Joan O’Callaghan, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada “Getting the Message Out: The Basic Principles of […]
ISGAP-Oxford Summer Institute for Curriculum Development in Critical Antisemitism Studies
1 Aug., ISGAP-Oxford Summer Institute for Curriculum Development in Critical Antisemitism Studies Online and In-Person Programme, Pembroke College, Oxford University Programme Convener: Dr. Charles Asher Small, Executive Director, ISGAP; St. Antony’s College Featuring Natan Sharansky, Chair, ISGAP Professor Irwin Cotler, Chair, Raoul Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights; Emeritus Professor of Law at McGill University; former Minister […]
Read ISGAP’s Chair and Human Rights Activist, Natan Sharansky op-ed in The Washington Post: The Sakharov Centenary arrives with an Urgently Needed Message About Freedom

19 May 2021 – The Washington Post Natan Sharansky, Chair of ISGAP, former political prisoner, and human rights activist, discusses Andrei Sakharov’s seminal essay challenging totalitarianism. Sharansky reflects upon his own life and the challenges to freedom in modern democracies. To read the full story, click here.