Dr. Matthias Küentzel, Part I, “Hitler’s Legacy: Antisemitism in the Middle East”

December 1, Part I, “Hitler’s Legacy: Antisemitism in the Middle East” Dr. Matthias Küentzel, Hamburg Technical College Research Associate Location: American College of Greece, Upper Level Library Time: 7:00 PM
Why is Europe turning a blind eye to Islamic occupation?
In a world beset by terrorism and humanitarian disasters, the international community remains fixated on the State of Israel. The one and only state of the Jewish people, back in their historical homeland, is a beacon of democracy in the Muslim-Arab sphere devoid of human rights, left behind by social and economic progress and subject […]
Major-General Yaakov Amidror, “The War Against the Jewish State: Countries, Terror Organizations and BDS”

Maj.-Gen (Ret.) Yaakov Amidror Former National Security Advisor to the Prime Minister of Israel and the Head of the National Security Council from 2011 to 2013. September 27, “The War Against the Jewish State: Countries, Terror Organizations and BDS” Location: NaUKMA Museum, National University of Kyiv Mohyla Academy, 2 Skovorody St. Time: 6:00 P.M. – 8:00 P.M. Introductory Greetings […]
Erdogan, the AKP and Antisemitism
Turkey’s 15-20,000 Jewish community is on high alert. Just a few months ago Sky News broke a story that Islamic State, otherwise known as ISIS or ISIL, was planning attacks specifically against Turkey’s Jews. Inevitably, security was heightened, schools were closed and community events were postponed. The alert points to the precarious situation of Turkey’s […]
Eran Lerman, ” Three Totalitarian Temptations Nazism Communism and Islamism as Anchors in the Israel Palestine Conflict”
Col. (res.) Dr. Eran Lerman Researcher at Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies and former Deputy for Foreign Policy and International Affairs at the National Security Council in the Israeli Prime Minster’s Office Location: Leacock Building, Room 738 Time: 6:00 P.M. Convener: Michelle Whiteman, Director, ISGAP Canada
Dovid Katz “The Special Case of Baltic-Ukrainian Holocaust Inversion”

APRIL 5, 2016 “THE SPECIAL CASE OF BALTIC-UKRAINIAN HOLOCAUST INVERSION” Dr. Dovid Katz, Author, Editor of DefendingHistory.com Location: ISGAP Center, 3rd Floor Time: 6:00 PM
Mordecai Kedar, “Radical Islam and its Effect on Antisemitism”

FEB. 1, 2016 “RADICAL ISLAM AND ITS EFFECTS ON ANTISEMITISM” Dr. Mordechai Kedar, Senior Lecturer, Department of Arabic, Center for the Study of the Middle East, Bar-Ilan University Location: ISGAP Center, 3rd Floor Time: 7:00 PM
Islamist Terrorism and Antisemitism
Combating Islamist ideology and understanding the Islamism-Antisemitism nexus will be key in the battle against terrorism and antisemitism A review of terrorist acts over the last 15 years shows a sharp rise of Islamist terrorism–[1] that is, terrorist acts justified by an Islamist-Jihadist ideology, the perpetrators’ interpretation of “true” Islam. Most indications suggest that Jihadist […]
West is West, East is East: The Specific East European Incarnation of Antisemitism
Note: This op-ed is a partial summary of Dr. Katz’s talk at ISGAP in New York City on 5 April 2016. A PDF of his power point presentation on the evening (©Dovid Katz) is available online. Antisemitism in Western Europe is nowadays overwhelmingly a product of the (far) left. Its practitioners are socially, educationally and demographically […]
Neil Rogachevsky, “The Politics of Israeli Public Diplomacy from the Second Intifada to the Present”

FEB. 8 “THE POLITICS OF ISRAELI PUBLIC DIPLOMACY FROM THE SECOND INTIFADA TO THE PRESENT” Professor Neil Rogachevsky Tikvah Postdoctoral Fellow, Straus Center for Torah and Western Thought, Yeshiva University Location: Harvard Hillel, Rabb Hall Time: 7:00 P.M. Convener: Vivaldi Jean-Marie