Chavez’s Conversion: From Active Duty to Active Antisemite
11 May, “Chavez’s Conversion: From Active Duty to Active Antisemite” Sammy Eppel, Independent Consultant and Political Analyst Convener: Dr. Pedro Gonzalez Corona, Research Fellow, ISGAP Date: Tuesday, May 11, 2021 Time: 11:00 AM Eastern Time Join ISGAP’s seminar series, in Spanish (featuring simultaneous English translation), hosted by Dr. Pedro Gonzalez as he is joined by a diverse range […]
History and Consequences of the Plan Andina (Spanish)

27 April, “History and Consequences of the Plan Andina” (In Spanish) Sofia Cohen, Jewish Interactive Museum of Chile Convener: Dr. Pedro Gonzalez, Research Fellow, ISGAP Date: Tuesday, April 27, 2021 Time: 11:00 AM Eastern Time Antisemitism in South America in Comparative Perspective Seminar Series
Antisemitism in Argentina: 1960-2000 (Spanish)

13 April, “Antisemitism in Argentina: 1960-2000” Jonathan Karszenbaum, Holocaust Museum in Buenos Aires Convener: Dr. Pedro Gonzalez, Research Fellow, ISGAP; University of Texas at Dallas Antisemitism in Latin America in Comparative Perspective International Seminar Series Date: Tuesday, April 13, 2021
Antisemitism in Argentina 1960-2000
13 April, “Antisemitism in Argentina 1960-2000” Jonathan Karszenbaum, Holocaust Museum in Buenos Aires Convener: Dr. Pedro Gonzalez, Research Fellow, ISGAP Date: Tuesday, April 13, 2021 Time: 11:00 AM Eastern Time Join ISGAP’s seminar series, in Spanish (featuring simultaneous English translation), hosted by Dr. Pedro Gonzalez as he is joined by a diverse range of scholars from Latin and Lusophone […]
Jewish Life in Chile and the Transformation of Local Antisemitism, 1950-2000

23 March, “Jewish Life in Chile and the Transformation of Local Antisemitism, 1950-2000” Dr. Valeria Rosenblatt, Professor at the University Diego Portales and the Autonomous University of Chile Convener: Dr. Pedro Gonzalez Corona, Research Fellow, ISGAP; Visiting Assistant Professor, University of Texas at Dallas Antisemitism in Latin America in Comparative Perspective International Seminar Series Date: […]
Hate Speech, Antisemitism and its Link with the Real World in the Age of Digital Social Networks

09 March, “Hate Speech, Antisemitism and its Link with the Real World in the Age of Digital Social Networks” Dr. Adan Garcia, Memory and Tolerance Museum Mexico City Convener: Dr. Pedro Gonzalez Corona, Research Fellow, ISGAP Antisemitism in Latin America in Comparative Perspective Seminar Series Date: Tuesday, March 09, 2021 Spanish Webinar
Iran: Hybrid Threats and Latin America

23 Feb., “Iran: Hybrid Threats and Latin America” Dr. Felipe Pathé Duarte, Assistant Professor and Researcher, NOVA Law School and Institute for Internal Security and Police Science, Lisbon; Senior Consultant, VisionWare Information Systems; International Security Resident Analyst, RTP Television. Convener: Dr. Pedro Gonzalez Corona, Research Fellow, ISGAP Date: Tuesday, February 23, 2021 Time: 11:00 AM […]
Antisemitism in Portugal
On April 25th, 1974, a military coup overthrew a dictatorship of 40 years and established the first free elections, leading to a democratic regime that effectively started with the 1976 Portuguese Constitution. The coup became known as the Carnation Revolution because of the flowers people gave to the military personnel on that specific day. This […]
Antisemitism: Trope Building and its National and Transnational Avatars, A Latin American Perspective

09 Feb., “Antisemitism: Trope Building and its National and Transnational Avatars, A Latin American Perspective” Dr. Judit Bokser Liwerant, Full Professor, School of Political and Social Science, UNAM; Distinguished Visiting Professor, Hebrew University of Jerusalem; Director and Editor of the Mexican Journal of Political and Social Science Convener: Dr. Pedro Gonzalez, Research Fellow, ISGAP Antisemitism in Latin American […]
The AMIA Crime, a Personal Journey (Spanish)

26 Jan., “The AMIA Crime, a Personal Journey” Luis Czyzewski, Activist, Speaker, Writer and AMIA Auditor Convener: Dr. Pedro González Corona, Research Fellow, ISGAP Antisemitism in Latin American in Comparative Perspective International Seminar Series Date: Tuesday, January 26, 2021 Time: 11:00 AM Eastern Time