ISGAP Summer Institute 2015, University Curriculum Development

On July 26, 2015, 34 participants from 19 different countries arrived at Hertford College, Oxford University for an intensive two week workshop-based curriculum development program dedicated to the development of antisemitism studies as an academic discipline. Click here to watch the video.
Dr. Gunther Jikeli, “Rising Antisemitism in Europe: How to Assess the Threat?”

“Rising Antisemitism in Europe: How to Assess the Threat” Dr. Gunther Jikeli Visiting Professor, Institute for the Study of Contemporary Antisemitism, Indiana University Senior Research Fellow, ISGAP Location: Leacock Building, Room 738 Time: 6:00 P.M. Thursday, December 10th, 2015
Dr. Vivaldi Jean-Marie, “Memory, the Jewish Intellectual and Cartesian Cogito in Jean Amery’s At the Mind’s Limits”

Dr. Vivaldi Jean-Marie Associate Professor of Philosophy, CUNY Adjunct Associate of Philosophy and African-American Studies, Columbia University Harvard Faculty Club, Room 4 Monday, November 9th, 2015 7:00 P.M. For Jean Amery, Auschwitz rids the intellect of its Western ideals, and reduces it to a playful logical framework, and is therefore representative of the Cartesian […]
Executive Director, Dr. Charles Asher Small Speaks at Counter-Terrorism Conference

ISGAP’s Executive Director, Dr. Charles Asher Small spoke on Wednesday, September 9th, 2015 in Herzliya, Israel at the International Institute for Counter Terrorism (ICT) 15th International Conference: World Summit on Counter-Terrorism at the Interdisciplinary Center. Fellow panelists included Co-Chair Mr. Dan Diker, Research Fellow, ICT, IDC Herzliya, Israel, Co-Chair Lt. Col. (Res.) Avital Leibovich, Director, […]
Ilan Greilsammer, “Zionism, Anti-Zionism, Post-Zionism, Antisemitism: Ending Semantic Confusions in the French Debate”

May 20 “Zionism, Anti-Zionism, Post-Zionism, Antisemitism: Ending Semantic Confusions in the French Debate” Ilan Greilsammer Professor of Political Science, Director of the Institute of the Study of Europeans, Bar-Ilan University, Israel Discussant: Philippe Portier Director GSRL, EPHE Location: EPHE Salle 117, Batiment Le France Time: 4:00-6:00 PM 20 mai “Sionisme, antisionisme, post-sionisme, antisémitisme: pour en […]
“The Protocols of the Elders of Zion” PLO Ambassador to Chile, Mr. Imad Nabil Jada’a

The following, in English translation, is the text of the accompanying video of the speech by Ambassador Nabil Jada’a to the Conference for Peace in Palestine and Israel on May 15, 2015 in Santiago, Chile. “Until 1896 when a group of academic intellectuals, financial advisers, majority being non-Jewish Europeans, decided to create the Zionist movement […]
“Denial of Jewish Existence” PLO Ambassador to Chile, Mr. Imad Nabil Jada’a

The following, in English translation, is the text of the accompanying video of the speech by Ambassador Nabil Jada’a to the Conference for Peace in Palestine and Israel on May 15, 2015 in Santiago, Chile. “About the hatred we have against the Jewish people. As Palestinians, first, we don’t have hatred. Second we don’t recognize […]
Paul Zawadzki, “Le saut dans la foi. Du vide vers le plein: dimensions des croyances fanatiques contemporaines.” (3ème partie)

Paul Zawadzki, “Le saut dans la foi. Du vide vers le plein: dimensions des croyances fanatiques contemporaines.” (3ème partie) Série de séminaires : l’antisémitisme dans une perspective comparative ISGAP/GSRL série de séminaires 2014/2015 “L’antisémitisme contemporain en France” L’anti-judaïsme, ou le terme controversé propagé dans les années 1870 par Wilhelm Marr, l’antisémitisme, est l’une des plus […]
Paul Zawadzki, “Le saut dans la foi. Du vide vers le plein: dimensions des croyances fanatiques contemporaines.” (2ème partie)

Paul Zawadzki, “Le saut dans la foi. Du vide vers le plein: dimensions des croyances fanatiques contemporaines.” (2ème partie) Série de séminaires : l’antisémitisme dans une perspective comparative ISGAP/GSRL série de séminaires 2014/2015 “L’antisémitisme contemporain en France” L’anti-judaïsme, ou le terme controversé propagé dans les années 1870 par Wilhelm Marr, l’antisémitisme, est l’une des plus […]
Paul Zawadzki, “Le saut dans la foi. Du vide vers le plein: dimensions des croyances fanatiques contemporaines.” (1ère partie)

26 mai “Le saut dans la foi. Du vide vers le plein: dimensions des croyances fanatiques contemporaines” Paul Zawadzki, Université Paris I, GSRL Discutant: Gérard Rabinovitch, Institut européen Emmanuel Levinas, CNRS, Université de Paris VII Denis Diderot GSRL, 59-61 rue Pouchet, 75849 Paris 14h-16h