“The Silence of the Human Rights Community Amid the Threat of Contemporary Global Antisemitism, Demonisation and Incitement Against the Jewish People”- Dr. Charles Asher Small – UN Q&A

Title: “The Silence of the Human Rights Community Amid the Threat of Contemporary Global Antisemitism, Demonisation and Incitement Against the Jewish People” Speaker: Dr. Charles Asher Small, Director of ISGAP; Koret Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University Date: Monday, April 28, 2014 Location: United Nations Headquarters, New York Dr. Small’s address was part of the conference, […]
“The Silence of the Human Rights Community Amid the Threat of Contemporary Global Antisemitism, Demonisation and Incitement Against the Jewish People” – Dr. Charles Asher Small Addresses the UN

Title: “The Silence of the Human Rights Community Amid the Threat of Contemporary Global Antisemitism, Demonisation and Incitement Against the Jewish People” Speaker: Dr. Charles Asher Small, Director of ISGAP; Koret Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University Date: Monday, April 28, 2014 Location: United Nations Headquarters, New York Dr. Small’s address was part of the conference, […]
David Seymour – “Critical Theory, The Holocaust, and Human Rights”

Title: Critical Theory, The Holocaust, and Human Rights Speaker: David Seymour, Professor of Law, City University, London Date: March 13, 2013 Location: Harvard Law School, as part of the “Antisemitism, Discrimination, Human Rights, and International Law” Seminar Series
US Foreign Policy and the Rise of Islamism: The Abandonment of Human Rights and Democratic Principles? A Colloquium

Lecture: US Foreign Policy and the Rise of Islamism: The Abandonment of Human Rights and Democratic Principles? A Colloquium Speakers: Russell Berman, Walter A. Haas Professor in the Humanities at Stanford University and Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution Boaz Ganor, Ronald Lauder Chair for Counter-Terrorism at The Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) at Herzliya and Founder […]
Aleksandra Gliszczynska-Grabias – “Beyond the Human Rights Council”

Title: “Beyond the Human Rights Council: UN Human Rights Committee and Its Response to Antisemitism” Speaker: Aleksandra Gliszczynska-Grabias, Graduate Fellow, ISGAP Date: Thursday, February 3, 2011 Location: The Yale Initiative for the Interdisciplinary Study of Antisemitism (YIISA), Yale University, New Haven, CT
David Matas – “Anti-Zionism at the UN Human Rights Council”

Title: “Anti-Zionism at the UN Human Rights Council” Speaker: David Matas, Legal Scholar, University of Manitoba, Co-Chair, Canadian Helsinki Watch Group; Amnesty International: Legal Coordinator Canadian Section; League for Human Rights, B’nai Brith Canada Date: Thursday, October 14, 2010 Location: The Yale Initiative for the Interdisciplinary Study of Antisemitism (YIISA), Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut
Anne Herzberg, Ed Morgan, Elisabeth Kuebler – “Lawfare, Human Rights Organizations and the Demonization of Israel”

YIISA/IASA Conference “Global Antisemitism: A Crisis of Modernity” Title: “Lawfare, Human Rights Organizations and the Demonization of Israel” Speakers: Anne Herzberg, NGO Monitor: “NGOs and the New Antisemitism” Professor Ed Morgan, University of Toronto: “The Metastasizing of Anti-Israel Lawfare” Elisabeth Kuebler, University of Vienna: “Durban II: Antisemitism in Cosmopolitan Global Democracy” Date: Tuesday, August 24, […]
YIISA Researchers’ Seminar – Michelle Sieff & Ulrike Becker

Title: YIISA Researchers’ Seminar – Part #2 Speakers: Michelle Sieff, YIISA Post-Doctorate Associate – “The Ultimate Betrayal: Human Rights Groups, Genocide and Totalitarianism in the Postwar Era” Ulrike Becker, YIISA Graduate Fellow – “Post-war Antisemitism: Germany’s Foreign Policy Toward Egypt and the Palestinians” Date: Wednesday, April 21, 2010 YIISA/ISGAP Antisemitism in Comparative Perspective Seminar Series
YIISA Researchers’ Seminar – Idit Shalev & Michelle Sieff

Title: YIISA Researchers’ Seminar – Part #1 Speakers: Idit Shalev, YIISA Post-Doctorate Associate – “How Forms of Power Affect Attitudes Toward Minorities” Michelle Sieff, YIISA Post-Doctorate Associate – “The Ultimate Betrayal: Human Rights Groups, Genocide and Totalitarianism in the Postwar Era” Date: Wednesday, April 21, 2010 YIISA/ISGAP Antisemitism in Comparative Perspective Seminar Series
Charles Small & Bret Stephens – “Radical Islam and the Nuclear Bomb”

Speakers: Dr. Charles Small and Bret Stephens Charles Small is the founder and director of the Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy and a lecturer of ethics, politics and economics at Yale. Bret Stephens is a writer and editor for the Wall Street Journal. Lecture: Radical Islam and the Nuclear Bomb As […]