New Forms of Antisemitism Conference
ISGAP at the Italian Parliament “The New Forms of Antisemitism Conference” Professor Dore Gold, President, Jerusalem Center for Public Affairs, former Israeli Ambassador to the United Nations Senate of the Republic, Palazzo Giustiniani, Zuccari Room, Via della Dogana Vecchia, 29, 00186, Rome, Italy Thursday, January 16, 2019 11:00 A.M.-12:30 P.M.
Symposium on Contemporary Antisemitism in Europe
European Studies Centre, St. Antony’s College, Oxford University, and ISGAP Present “A Symposium on Contemporary Antisemitism in Europe” Chaired by Dr. Hartmut Mayer, Director, European Studies Centre; Fellow, St. Peter’s College “Globalization and Antisemitism: The Attack on the Democratic Centre and the Need to Create Critical Contemporary Antisemitism Studies Dr. Charles Asher Small, Executive Director, […]
Dr. Joel Kotek, Oxford 2019 – Why the Jews? A Brief History of Antisemitism From the Middle Ages to the 21st Century

Dr. Joel Kotek, Free University of Brussels (ULB) and the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris Why the Jews? A Brief History of Antisemitism From the Middle Ages to the 21st Century ISGAP-Oxford Summer Institute 2019 St. John’s College Oxford University July 15, 2019
Grischa Stanjek Interview – Oxford 2019

Grischa Stanjek, University of the Arts, Berlin, Germany Director, Media Department, Jewish Forum for Democracy and Against Antisemitism (JFDA) 2019 ISGAP-Oxford Summer Institute Elie Wiesel – Martin Luther King Jr. Scholar St. John’s College Oxford University July 7-19, 2019
The Importance of Creating Critical Antisemitism Studies – Oxford 2019

The Importance of Creating Critical Antisemitism Studies – Oxford 2019 Dr. Charles Asher Small, Executive Director, ISGAP Dr. Carlton Long, CEO, Lawrence-Long & Co. Educational Consulting Dr. Barry Kosmin, Research Professor, Trinity College, Connecticut ISGAP-Oxford Summer Institute 2019 St. John’s College Oxford University July 7-19, 2019
Professor Stephen Stern Interview – Oxford 2019

Professor Stephen Jay Stern Interview Associate Professor of Judaic Studies, Gettysburg College 2019 ISGAP-Oxford Summer Institute St. John’s College Oxford University July 7-19, 2019
A Straightforward and Practical Resource for Understanding Labour’s Antisemitism Problem
This web page, and the many links contained within it, is a resource for political people who will increasingly find that they need to understand contemporary antisemitism. Please bookmark it and come back to it when you need it. And I’m sorry to tell you that you will need it. Antisemitism always positions its own […]
ISGAP launches new book on Russia’s weaponization of antisemitism

The Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy was proud to host the launch of journalist and ISGAP Research Fellow Sam Sokol’s new book Putin’s Hybrid War and the Jews on Thursday afternoon. Published by ISGAP and drawn from Sokol’s reporting from Ukraine, the book chronicles the collapse of Jewish life in the […]
Gilets jaunes : je ne peux pas les voir en peinture
Un choc peut être salutaire à condition de ne pas l’épouser. Or, tel n’est pas le cas avec le choc frontal giletjaunesque qui secoue la France depuis plus de deux mois. Une poignée de putschistes se saisit d’une pétition consensuelle contre la hausse du prix de carburant et entraîne la société dans un tête à […]
Gilets Jaunes: Lost in the Funhouse
BREAKING NEWS 8-11 PM December 11 Strasbourg: Terrorist attack at the Christmas market. The shooter, wounded and on the run, has been identified as 29–year-old Cherif C. a multi-recidivist criminal who has been flagged as a security risk since 2016. The current tally is two dead, a third victim brain-dead, thirteen wounded, six of them […]