Groundbreaking Symposium on the Origins and Manifestations of Antisemitism from North Africa

19 May, “ISGAP Symposium on The Origins and Manifestations of Antisemitism from North Africa – Session One” Professor Yassin Abdel Aziz, University Ibnou Zohr, Morocco Ahmed Assid, Philosopher and Political Activist, Royal Institute of Amazigh Culture, Morocco Mohamed Abdelwahab al-Rafiqi, Ex-Salafist turned Social Activist against Extremism, Morocco Professor Bruce Maddy-Weitzman, Department of Middle Eastern and African History, […]
ISGAP Symposium on The Origins and Manifestations of Antisemitism from North Africa – Session Two
26 May., “ISGAP Symposium on The Origins and Manifestations of Antisemitism from North Africa – Session Two” Dr. Georges Bensoussan, Historian and Editor-In-Chief, Revue d’histoire de la Shoah, France Professor Tewfic Aclimandos, Department of International Relations, Collège de France; Visiting Professor, Cairo University; France Dr. Joël Kotek, Free University of Brussels and the Institut d’Etudes […]
ISGAP Digital Seminar Series: Best of the Archives

Given ISGAP’s commitment to digitizing our research and seminars, starting in March 2020, ISGAP will release one of its leading seminar series videos from our vast archive every Friday. In this period of uncertainty, this weekly feature will serve as an important reminder of the origins of the contemporary challenges we all face in battling […]
Daniel Sibony, “The Antisemitic Enigma”
[vimeo 128601772 w=580&h=320] Jan. 28 “The Antisemitic Enigma” Daniel Sibony, Writer, psychoanalyst, professor Discussant: Joelle Allouche-Benayoun, GSRL/CNRS, Elie Wiesel Institute Location: EPHE, Room 123 Time: 6:00-8:00 PM
Alan Dershowitz, Daniel Sibony, Charles Asher Small – “Is A Legal Remedy to Iran’s Nuclear Weapons Program and Incitement to Genocide Still Possible?”

Lecture: Is A Legal Remedy to Iran’s Nuclear Weapons Program and Incitement to Genocide Still Possible? Speakers: Alan Dershowitz, Felix Frankfurter Professor of Law at Harvard Law School Daniel Sibony, French philosopher and psychoanalyst Charles Asher Small, Director of ISGAP and Koret Distinguished Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University Location: Harvard Law School Date: […]
Daniel Sibony – “The Essence of Antisemitism: Is It too Simple to be Understood?”

Lecture: The Essence of Antisemitism: Is It too Simple to be Understood? Speaker: Daniel Sibony, French philosopher and psychoanalyst Charles Asher Small, Director of ISGAP, gave the introductory remarks. Date: October 16, 2012 Location: McGill University