Robert Wistrich – “A Lethal Obsession: Antisemitism From Antiquity to the Global Jihad”

Title: “A Lethal Obsession: Antisemitism From Antiquity to the Global Jihad” Speaker: Professor Robert Wistrich, Director, The Vidal Sassoon International Center for the Study of Antisemitism (SICSA) Date: Friday, January 22, 2010 YIISA/ISGAP Antisemitism in Comparative Perspective Seminar Series
Cynthia Kamakazi – “Genocide and the Assault on Memory: The Case of Rwanda”

Title: “Genocide and the Assault on Memory: The Case of Rwanda” Speaker: Cynthia Kamakazi, Multilateral Officer, The Permanent Mission of Rwanda to the United Nations of Geneva Date: Thursday, December 3, 2009 YIISA/ISGAP Antisemitism in Comparative Perspective Seminar Series
Florette Cohen & Lee Jussim – “The New Antisemitism Israel Model: An Empirical Approach to Modern Antisemitism”

Title: “The New Antisemitism Israel Model: An Empirical Approach to Modern Antisemitism” Speakers: Dr. Florette Cohen, The College of Staten Island, CUNY; Dr. Lee Jussim, Rutgers University Date: Thursday, December 3, 2009 YIISA/ISGAP Antisemitism in Comparative Perspective Seminar Series
David Menashri – “Iran, the Middle East and the USA Following the Presidential Elections: A View From Jerusalem”

Title: “Iran, the Middle East and the USA Following the Presidential Elections: A View From Jerusalem” Speaker: Professor David Menashri, Director, Center for Iranian Studies, Tel Aviv University Date: Monday, November 16, 2009 YIISA/ISGAP Antisemitism in Comparative Perspective Seminar Series
Professor Ernest Sternberg – “Purifying the World: What the Radical Anti-Empire Ideology Stands For”

Title: “Purifying the World: What the Radical Anti-Empire Ideology Stands For” Speaker: Professor Ernest Sternberg, Urban and Regional Planning, University of Buffalo, SUNY Date: Thursday, November 12, 2009 YIISA/ISGAP Antisemitism in Comparative Perspective Seminar Series
Judge Hadassa Ben-Itto – “The ‘Jewish Conspiracy’: A Strategic Weapon to Demonize Jews and Delegitimize Israel”

Title: “The ‘Jewish Conspiracy’: A Strategic Weapon to Demonize Jews and Delegitimize Israel” Speaker: Judge Hadassa Ben-Itto, Honorary President, The International Association of Jewish Lawyers and Jurists Date: Thursday, November 5, 2009 YIISA/ISGAP Antisemitism in Comparative Perspective Seminar Series
Guang Pan – “Jews in China” Part 2

Title: “Jews in China: Legends, History and New Perspectives” Speaker: Professor Guang Pan, Dean, Center of Jewish Studies Shanghai (CJSS) Date: Friday, October 30, 2009 YIISA/ISGAP Antisemitism in Comparative Perspective Seminar Series
Guang Pan – “Jews in China” Part 1

Title: “Jews in China: Legends, History and New Perspectives” Speaker: Professor Guang Pan, Dean, Center of Jewish Studies Shanghai (CJSS) Date: Friday, October 30, 2009 YIISA/ISGAP Antisemitism in Comparative Perspective Seminar Series
Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury – “Hate Speech and Political Islam”

Title: “Hate Speech and Political Islam: Root Cause of Religious Extremism, Terrorism and Jihad” Speaker: Salah Uddin Shoaib Choudhury, Journalist; Editor and Publisher, Weekly Blitz Newspaper, Bangladesh Date: Thursday, October 29, 2009 YIISA/ISGAP Antisemitism in Comparative Perspective Seminar Series
Ben-Dror Yemini – “The Industry of Lies” Part 2

Title: “The Industry of Lies: Myths and Facts Regarding the Middle East Conflict” Speaker: Ben-Dror Yemini, Editor, Maariv Daily Newspaper, Israel Date: Thursday, October 22, 2009 YIISA/ISGAP Antisemitism in Comparative Perspective Seminar Series