The Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy (ISGAP) is pleased to announce a series of opportunities for scholars, researchers, thought leaders, commentators, and practitioners to contribute to our efforts to examine, analyze, and understand antisemitism through various lenses. We are currently seeking submissions for our book series and edited collections, our Flashpoint op-ed series, and our Occasional Papers series.

Book Proposals and Manuscripts
We invite scholars and researchers to submit proposals or manuscripts for books that provide well-researched and scholarly analyses of historical and/or contemporary antisemitism from a wide range of perspectives: social, cultural, political, economic, anthropological, psychological, etc. Proposals should outline the main topic(s), methodology, relevance, intended audience, and potential impact of the book and should include a preliminary chapter outline, a sample chapter (if available) and an estimated word count. Completed manuscripts should similarly include a preface and/or introduction outlining the main topic(s), methodology, relevance, intended audience, and potential impact of the book.

Articles, Papers, and Essays
For our edited collections and Occasional Papers series, we welcome articles, papers, and essays that tackle the issue of historical and/or contemporary antisemitism from a wide range of perspectives: social, cultural, political, economic, anthropological, psychological, etc. Submissions should be well-researched, cogently argued, and accessible to both scholarly and general audiences. They should range in length from 3,000 to 6,000 words and include an abstract. Proposals for articles, papers, and essays should outline their main topic(s), methodology, relevance, intended audience, and potential impact and should include an abstract or executive summary (if available) and an estimated word count.

We invite scholars, researchers, thought leaders, commentators, and practitioners to submit concise, well-argued, and impactful op-eds (or short essays) that address issues relating to contemporary antisemitism and other forms of hatred, for inclusion in our Flashpoint op-ed series. In particular, we welcome submissions that not only analyze current events but also propose innovative solutions to contemporary dilemmas. Submissions should range in length from 750 to 2,000 words.

Submission Guidelines:
–    Please include a brief author biography highlighting relevant expertise and previous publications with your submission.
–    All submissions and proposals should be submitted in Microsoft Word. Format text and headings manually using tabs, italics, bold, etc. Do not use built-in styles.
–    Use proper footnotes or endnotes rather than inline citations. We recommend following the citation guidelines outlined in the Chicago Manual of Style.
–    Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis. Contributors may be offered an honorarium for their work.

Please send your submissions and any inquiries to [email protected]. We look forward to your submissions and to advancing the discourse on this critical issue.