ISGAP Flashpoint

In line with our commitment to academic freedom, ISGAP Flashpoint features articles designed to foster public debate about critical issues related to developments in global antisemitism, with a focus on the contemporary context.

Kindly note that the opinions expressed by the authors of ISGAP Flashpoint are their own and do not necessarily reflect or receive endorsement from ISGAP. ISGAP believes in providing a platform for diverse perspectives to encourage open dialogue on these important matters.

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Realism and Morality: What Is Really Stopping a Forever Ceasefire?

A point of principle and a forever war A number of commentators on the conflict in what was for centuries called the region of Palestine cast it in terms of a forever war. After all, it has been going on for more than a hundred years, which certainly seems like forever. It started when the […]

False Witness: What the Israel-Hamas War Teaches Us About Defining Antisemitism

While Hamas terrorists were still massacring “peacenik” kibbutz-members, young people dancing in the desert, and farmers in Israel’s arid South on October 7, 2023, American newspapers and media worried loudly about the evils of Israel’s retaliation. Hamas videos of terrorists in action revealed: “terrorists torturing a pregnant woman and removing her fetus,” and “bodies of […]

Terrorism Denial on Campus

The issue of terrorism and its impact on students on university and college campuses is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon. While campuses are meant to be hubs of intellectual discourse and diversity, they can also become breeding grounds for radicalization or platforms for the expression of extremist ideologies. This is particularly evident in American campuses […]

Antisemitism in FSU in 2023 Vis-à-vis the World Trends

The current war in the Middle East has already had, and will obviously still have, a variety of consequences. For example, it seems that media coverage of the Israel Defense Forces’ (IDF) counter-terrorism operation Swords of Iron in the Gaza Strip has much to offer in terms of putting an end to one of the […]

New Approaches to Combatting Antisemitism

This is not your usual discussion of antisemitism. It’s hard to know what to do about it as an American Jew. This is because the prevalence of antisemitism is rising, most of what has been tried before has not worked and is not working, and more of the same failed ideas are being promulgated. It […]

The “Merah Affair”: The “Sea Change” in Islamism’s Terror Footprint to Holy Jihad in France

On December 16, 2020, a panel of French judges found all 14 defendants guilty of involvement in the 2015 attacks on the satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo, and the Hyper Cacher kosher supermarket in Paris.  As reported by James McAuley of the Washington Post, the long-awaited verdict followed a three-month trial that captivated the French public even […]

Echoes of History: The Imperative of Holocaust Education in the Wake of Tragedy

In the aftermath of the devastating October 7, 2023 attacks amidst the latest turmoil, agitation surges anew with the decision of the Ministry of Education of Israel to make Holocaust education non-mandatory in the high school curriculum. In contrast to the decision of the British Colombia Government in November 2023 which made Holocaust education mandatory […]

What Hamas Leaders Actually Want – In Their Own Words

The time since October 7, 2023, has been a devastating, life-changing time for me and for most Jews around the world: at minimum, we are processing the events of October 7, the deadliest day of murdering Jews since the Holocaust, when six million Jews were systematically murdered by the Nazis. On October 7, approximately 3,000 […]

Pacifism is not Peaceful, Only Justice Is

Many commentators are now calling for peace in the Middle East. If they are well-intentioned, they are naïve and ignorant. Some of them are not. Note that apart from the still incessant launching of rockets from Gaza aimed at Israeli civilians, the monstrous initial invasion of Israeli territory and subsequent mass murder and destruction by […]

Underreported Antisemitism as a Methodological and Policy Challenge

             The IDF’s Iron Swords Military Operation (Iron Swords Military Operation), a response to the October 7, 2023 attack by Hamas terrorists on Israeli towns and communities, has triggered a significant wave of global antisemitism, including in Western countries. According to monitoring data from Israel’s Ministry of the Diaspora Affairs […]