The Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy presents:

Seminar Series: Antisemitism in Comparative Perspective

“Kosherizing the New Antisemitism: Jewish Anti-Zionism”

Professor Doron Ben-Atar
Professor of History, Fordham University

About the Author
Doron Ben-Atar is a historian of the early American republic and a playwright. He is currently working with Professor Richard D. Brown on a study of bestiality in the early republic. Ben-Atar is the author of Trade Secrets: Intellectual Piracy and the Origins of American Industrial Power (Yale University Press, 2004); What Time and Sadness Spared: Mother and Son Confront the Holocaust together with Roma Nutkiewicz Ben-Atar (University of Virginia Press, 2006); and The Origins of Jeffersonian Commercial Policy and Diplomacy (Macmillan, 1993). Ben-Atar co-edited with Barbara B. Oberg Federalists Reconsidered, (University Press of Virginia, 1998). Ben-Atar’s produced plays are: The Worst Man (debuted in New Haven in January 2011), Peace Warriors (debut in Washington DC in July 2009) and Behave Yourself Quietly (debuted in New Haven in April 2007).

Ben-Atar is a member of Fordham’s history department and American Studies, Middle East Studies, and Women’s Studies program. Ben-Atar teaches undergraduate courses on the history of the early American republic, the history of sexuality in the United States, American Legal History and American diplomatic history, the US in the Middle East and the history of modern Israel, and the history of antisemitism. His graduate courses include classes on the historiography of the early republic and sexuality in America.

Thursday, April 3
6:30 PM

McMahon Hall, Rm. 109
Fordham University – Lincoln Center Campus
155 West 60th Street
(between Columbus and Amsterdam Avenue)
New York, NY 10023

ISGAP looks forward to your attendance at this special event.