Occasional Paper Series: A Core Ideology of the Muslim Brotherhood by Markos Zografos

The Occasional Paper Series is a collection of research papers intended to complement and highlight discussion and debate on a wide variety of issues as it pertains to the analysis of antisemitism, and to further the study of this subject matter. Markos Zografos holds a Master’s degree in Contemporary Judaism and Antisemitism Studies from the University of […]
ISGAP is Seeking a Full-Time Managing Director: Click Here to Learn More

Background: The Institute for the Study of Global Antisemitism and Policy (“ISGAP”) is a leading international academic institute dedicated to the study, teaching, and creation of policy to map, assess, and combat contemporary antisemitism, related forms of discrimination and issues of human rights. Founded in 2004, ISGAP works with top tier universities globally and renowned […]
No Fear: A Rally in Solidarity With the Jewish People

Antisemitism is on the rise across the globe, including the United States, and it is imperative that we come together as people of good-will to speak out against this surge in hatred. The recent clashes in Israel and Gaza resulted in horrific displays of antisemitism in the United States. The Alliance for Israel and Elisha Wiesel, […]
ISGAP DRC Course, Antisemitism in the Progressive Academy, Professor William Kolbrener

Professor William Kolbrener, Department of English Literature, Bar Ilan University, leads this three-week course exploring the nature of antisemitism in the progressive academy today. Parents, students, and academics from all disciplines are welcome! An overview of the sessions can be found below: Week One: Critical Theory Against Israel and the Jews – how the contemporary Humanities takes […]
ZOOM With ZOA: Dr. Charles Small “What U.S. Universities Don’t Want You to Know: How Foreign Funding Sways the Anti-Israel Agenda on College Campuses”

May 4 2021, Watch “What U.S. Universities Don’t Want You to Know: How Foreign Funding Sways the Anti-Israel Agenda on College Campuses” Featuring: Dr. Charles Asher Small, Founder and Director of ISGAP; Research Scholar, St. Antony’s College, Oxford. Susan B. Tuchman, Esq., Director of ZOA’s Center for Law and Justice; and Jonathan Ginsburg, Director […]
Read ISGAP’s Chair and Human Rights Activist, Natan Sharansky op-ed in The Washington Post: The Sakharov Centenary arrives with an Urgently Needed Message About Freedom

19 May 2021 – The Washington Post Natan Sharansky, Chair of ISGAP, former political prisoner, and human rights activist, discusses Andrei Sakharov’s seminal essay challenging totalitarianism. Sharansky reflects upon his own life and the challenges to freedom in modern democracies. To read the full story, click here.
Read ISGAP’s Chair and Human Rights Activist, Natan Sharansky, discuss COVID-19, Antisemitism and more in Israel Hayom

Natan Sharansky, Chair of ISGAP, former political prisoner, and human rights activist, sat down with Israel Hayom to discuss the number of ways in which the coronavirus pandemic has affected the Jewish community, the political climate in Israel, and much more. To read the full story, click here.
ISGAP Digital Research Center Course with Professor David Patterson

Taught by Professor David Patterson, the Hillel A. Feinberg Distinguished Chair at the Ackerman Center for Holocaust Studies, University of Texas at Dallas, this four-part course will examine the millennial phenomenon of what has been deemed “the longest hatred”: Antisemitism. Exploring the history, causes, and essence of Jew-hatred, the course delves into its philosophical, theological, […]
ISGAP Digital Research Center Course with Dr. Charles Asher Small

This four-part course offers a critical analysis of issues central to the study and emergence of contemporary antisemitism, as it relates to processes of globalization, the crisis of modernity, and the rise of reactionary anti-systemic movements, including political Islam, the extreme left, and extreme right-wing nationalism. This area of inquiry is central to challenges confronting […]
Digital Research Center

The ISGAP Digital Research Center holds online courses, seminars and symposiums. It also includes ISGAP’s network of research scholars, faculty and students. Visit our new website and attend top lectures from the ISGAP-Oxford Summer Institute, and explore our expanding library of digital courses, including a special course based on the best lectures from our International ISGAP-Oxford Summer Institute, […]